
STMIK STIKOM BALI is one of the private Colleges that focus on technology. Any activity that is in STMIK STIKOM Bali, from civitas, academics, staff and management all have procedures manuals as performance stages of each Division and also organizational culture as the Foundation of human resources work rules are there in Bali STIKOM. The culture of the Organization as well as the cornerstone of human resources management in improving the performance of employees. That occurs when this measurement was not determined the influence of information technology where all the jobs are there in Bali STIKOM STMIK utilize technology for the culture of the Organization and performance of employees. This research uses a mix of methods i.e. qualitative and quantitative elucidation, deskrpisi with the results against the influence of technology towards the organizational culture and performance but still list the numbers in the calculation of the percentage. Using data collection techniques of observation, interview and documentation. From the results of this research once done testing assessments where the use of technology is very influential on performance of employees and organizational culture with regard to the percentage of the results of the 78% influenced by culture Organization by the influence of technology, and technology affect the performance of employees amounting to 95% Key words: Technology, Organizational Culture, Employee Performance, Human Resource Management

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