
Sectio cesaria is a method of giving birth to the fetus through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterine wall. The result of Riskesdas 2013 was 9,8% by cesarean section with highest proportion in DKI Jakarta (19,9%) and lowest in Southeast Sulawesi (3,3%) Based on medical record data of RSUD Pariaman, patients who operate in midwifery room 113 people. One of the sectio cesarial complications is the painful method of treating non-pharmacological pain relief in deep breath relaxation techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of breath relaxation technique on the decrease of pain level in Patient Post Sectio Cesaria In Inpatient ward of Midwifery RSUD Pariaman. The type of this research is experiment conducted by using quantitative approach with experimental quasi design with One group Pretest-postest design design. This study was conducted in the Inpatient ward of Midwifery Pariaman Hospital population was 113 people, with sample 10 because taken by acidental sampling. Data were collected and analyzed using Wilcoxon Test. The result of the research on wilcoxon test shows the mean rank scale of the pretest respondent's pain scale of 5.50 and the post test of 0.00, with the mean of post-test pain scale down from pre test. Then there is the effect of deep breath relaxation technique on the decrease of post sectio cesarial pain level with p value = 0.004 (p <0.005). Researchers suggest to health workers, especially in the Midwifery ward to teach relaxation breath techniques in patients post sectio cesaria to reduce pain experienced by patients. Keyward : pain level, deep breath, pre and post pest.

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