
Language skills are a very important skill in everyday life. Language skills are easily expressed through oral and written. The lack of interest of students in terms of writing about his own experiences is happening because of difficulties to express feelings, not able to describe the idea in the form of sentences. Pattern Technique Ci-Luk-Ba! is a technique for writing a story that contains the most basic structure of the narrative. Therein, there is knowledge, tension and enjoyment, while making the story start from the starting point, middle, and end point. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Ci-Luk-Ba pattern techniques! To short story writing skills. The method used by this research is quantitative using Quasi Experimental Design. Using sampling technique is Non probability Sampling with purposive sampling form. The results of data analysis showed significant differences proved also on the hypothesis test indicating that t_hitung gained 9.85 greater than t_tabel 1.994 at a significant rate of 0.05. It can then be concluded that rejected received. So it can be stated that "pattern technique Ci-Luk-Ba! Influence of short story writing skills in grade IV students at SDN Ketabang Surabaya ".


  • Language skills are a very important skill in everyday life

  • able to describe the idea in the form of sentences

  • while making the story start from the starting point

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Language skills are a very important skill in everyday life. Language skills are expressed through oral and written. Dari empat keterampilan berbahasa itu tidak dapat di pisahkan, kemampuan berbicara dan menulis itu merupakan hal yang sulit di sebabkan saling berkaitan (Solchan, 2014:7). Salah satu kegiatan yang dapat diterapkan agar anak mampu menulis cerita tentang pengalamannya sendiri dengan cara menerapkan teknik atau pola yang khusus dalam hal keterampilan menulis cerita, memilih teknik yang tepat dan menarik perhatian siswa.

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