
The Land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce sweet sorghum. This sorghum is one of high value commodities for food and energy security due to its wide adaptation. The objective of this research were to study the effect of rubber+sorghum intercropping system on the growth of immature rubber trees and to study some agronomic parameters of sorghum and production of sweet sorghum as rubber intercrops. The experiment was conducted at the Sembawa Research Station from June to October 2013. The experiment was carried out as a single factori using Randomized Block Design with three replications. The treatment were 3 varieties of sorghum i.e: Pahat, Kawali and Mandau. Observation of rubber trees was conducted using simple random sampling method, comparing the rubber trees growth of sorghum intercropping system with the rubber trees growth of monoculture system. The results showed that sorghum had a positive effect on the growth of rubber tree IRR 118. Furthermore, fresh stem weight (37.11 t/ha), juice yield (1.80 t/ha), and grains yield (2.69 t/ha) of sweet sorghum Kawali higher than that of the varieties tested. The Kawali has a high potential to produce a biofuel because it had a highest fresh stem weight and juice content.


  • The Land between row of immature rubber period has a potential to produce sweet sorghum

  • The Kawali has a high potential to produce a biofuel because it had a highest fresh stem weight and juice content

  • The Growth and Yield of Rubber at Maturity is Improved by Intercropping with Banana

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Penelitian telah dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Sembawa pada jenis tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning (PMK) dari bulan Juni sampai Oktober 2013. Bahan yang digunakan meliputi (1) benih dari 3 varietas sorgum yaitu Pahat, Kawali dan Mandau, (2) dolomit, 2 ton/ha diaplikasikan satu minggu sebelum tanam dengan tujuan untuk menaikan pH tanah, (3) pemupukan dilakukan dengan menggunakan 150 kg Urea/ha, 100 kg SP36/ha, dan 90 kg KCl/ha diberikan pada saat tanam. Pengumpulan data primer tanaman karet dilakukan dengan cara metode simple random sampling dengan membandingkan tanaman karet pola tumpang sari sorgum dengan pola tumpang sari bibit batang bawah. Bahan tanam karet yang digunakan adalah bibit polibeg dua payung, yaitu klon IRR 118 dengan jarak tanam 6 m x 3 m (populasi 550 pohon/ha), dan ukuran lubang tanam 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm. Parameter tanaman karet yang diamati adalah pertumbuhan lilit batang (cm) pada umur 4, 8, dan 12 bulan setelah tanam (BST). Data pengamatan pertumbuhan lilit batang tanaman karet dianalisis menggunakan uji t (paired samples test) dengan membandingkan pertumbuhan lilit batang tanaman karet pola tumpang sari sorgum dengan pola tumpang sari bibit batang bawah (Gomez and Gomez, 1995)

Persiapan lahan Tillage
Pola Tanaman Sela
Saat Panen After Harvest
Pahat Kawali Mandau
Naungan di Bawah Tegakan Karet
Station and Cooperative Extension
Manis di Lahan Kering Wilayah Jawa
Sorghum Berbagai Varietas Skala
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