
Leatherleaf fern ( Rumohra adiantiformis ) could be the cut leaves of ornamental plants as a filler and bouquet. Growing media is one of the important factors to produced growth and yields of leatherleaf. The research aims to study the effects of several dosage Balithi’s media could support to maximizing growth and yields of leatherleaf. The research was conducted at IOCRI (Indonesia Ornamental Crop Research Institute) in June 2014 - December 2015. Experiment used a randomized block design (RBD) two factors with four replications. The size of each plot treatment was 1.2 × 2.1 m. The first factor was the Balithi’s media, namely: 1 dosage Balithi’s media without gliocompos (M1), 1 dosage Balithi’s media with gliocompos (M2), and ½ dosage Balithi’s media with ½ dosage gliocompos (M3). The second factor was the leatherleaf varieties, namely Florida (V1) and Mayfield (V2). The result showed that treatment variety was significantly affected the parameters of crown height, length of strands and number of leaves per plot. The varieties Mayfield growth better than Florida. The Mayfield variety produced 3,961 strands and Florida variety 2,160 strands. M3 was the best media; M3 produced 1,268 leaves, M2 1,082 leaves and M1 1,067 leaves. The best media for growth and yields was M3 (½ dosage Balithi’s media + ½ dosage gliocompos).


  • PENDAHULUAN Leatherleaf fern merupakan salah satu tanaman hias daun potong dari suku paku-pakuan, termasuk dalam famili Polypodiaceae dan genus Rumohra, tanaman ini tidak mempunyai batang Jur

  • Tinggi tanaman dan Jumlah daun Pada semua perlakuan media tanam, pertambahan tinggi tajuk rata-rata 9,239,40 cm per bulan

  • Variations in Production and Development of Leather leaf fernLeaves. Annals of Applied Biology (Summary). Wahyuni, S. 1999. Leatherleaf fern; Tuntunan Membangun Agribisnis, Ciputri. PT Elex Komputindo. Kelompok Gramedia. Jakarta. 329-333. Semarang. Lapor Karantina. Winarto, B., M.P. Yufdy., R, Soehendi

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Beberapa daerah sentra produksi daun potong leatherleaf antara lain

Data luas penen di Provinsi Jawa Tengah seluas 709.614 m2 dengan produksi 4.542.779 pohon (BPS Jawa Tengah, 2018), sedangkan tahun 2019, di pasar bunga Rawabelong Jakarta, daun potong pakis pada bulan Oktober 2019 beromzet 95,49 juta (Jakarta Data Open, 2019). Banyaknya permintaan ekspor pakis ke Jepang, Australia dan Singapura untuk karangan bunga membuat Indonesia kewalahan. Permintaan Jepang setiap tahun 150 juta tangkai, sedangkan petanipetani hanya dapat memenuhi 30% permintaan ekspor (Widarta, 2018). Permintaan pasar terhadap daun potong leatherleaf belum dapat dipenuhi oleh produsen dalam negeri disebabkan oleh terbatasnya produksi dan mutu produk leatherleaf di tingkat petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji takaran media Balithi dan mendapatkan varietas leatherleaf yang tumbuh optimal dengan indikator produksi daun maksimal di IP2TP Segunung, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Hias (Balithi)

Kabupaten Kota di Jawa Tengah
Variations in Production and Development of Leather leaf fern
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