
The educational world has recently shown that there have been more and more educational observers and practisioners who care about education, particularly in trying to imporve the quality of education. Samarinda is among many other cities in Indonesia that has an ethnical variety. The number of ethnics found to have inhabited Samarinda are: Javanese, Banjarese,  Buginese,  Kutainese,  Dayaks,  Bataks,  Ambonese,  Manadonese,  Chinese,  Butonese, and Maduranese. The ethnical variety can inevitably trigger different problems confronted by the community, particularly the students’ ethincial background at schools. Survey showed that the VIII grade SMP students’ learning results in Samarinda was was still low, The learning strategy that can facilitate these multi-ethnical students will be very helpful in improving their learning results. The learning strategy that can be applied upon multi-ethnical students is the Snowballing cooperative learning strategy. This study aims to find out the influence of the Snowballing strategy upon critical thinking, cognitive learning results, and both of them play role in developing social attitude of multi-ethnic SMP students in Samarinda.  Activites in the study consist of two stages: 1) survey research 2) the experiment-quasy research. Results of the Ancova tests indicated that there was a significant result of the Snowballing learning strategy upon the critical thinking, cognitive learning result and students. There was a significan influence of multi-ethnic condition upon critical thinking, cognitive learning result students. Javanese-ethnic students have the highest critical thinking ability and cognitie learning results compared to the their ethnic groups such as Banjarnese, Bugisnese, Kutainese and Dayaks. The SMP biology science teachers of Samarinda are suggested that they implement both snowballing cooperative strategies, as they have been proven to have been able to improve students’ critical thinking ability and cognitive learning results. Kata Kunci: Snowballing, Multietnik, Berpikir Kritis.


  • The educational world has recently shown that there have been more and more educational observers and practisioners who care about education, in trying to imporve the quality of education

  • This study aims to find out the influence of the Snowballing strategy upon critical thinking, cognitive learning results, and both of them play role in developing social attitude of multiethnic SMP students in Samarinda

  • Makalah disajikan dalam Seminar Nasional IMSTEP di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, 21 Agustus 2001

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Sistem Pendidikan Nasional

Indikator rendahnya proses pembelajaran dapat dilihat dari hasil pembelajaran siswa kelas VIII SMP di Samarinda masih rendah hal tersebut terlihat dari sebagian besar siswa yang sering mengikuti remedial karena skor yang diperoleh belum memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan minimal yang ditetapkan di SMP Samarinda yaitu 75%. McMurarry et al (1991) menyatakan bahwa berpikir kritis merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting untuk dikembangkan di sekolah, guru diharapkan mampu merealisasikan pembelajaran yang mengaktifkan dan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis pada siswa. Menyatakan bahwa dengan pembelajaran kooperatif akan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir sains biologi siswa, sikap, evaluasi, keterampilan sosial, dan keterampilan praktis. Thomson dan Melancon dalam McMurarry, et al, (1999) menyatakan bahwa berpikir kritis merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting untuk dikembangkan di sekolah, guru diharapkan mampu merealisasikan pembelajaran yang mengaktifkan dan mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis pada siswa. Hasil belajar siswa berkaitan dengan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami suatu bahan yang diajarkan Ahern-Rindell (1999) menyatakan bahwa pembelajaran sains menekankan pada rasa ingin tahu melalui penemuan (inquiry) berdasarkan pengalaman langsung yang dilakukan dalam kerja ilmiah dengan memanfaatkan fakta, membangun konsep, prinsip, teori, dan hukum. Artinya penelitian tentang sekolah multietnis di Samarinda belum dilakukan sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian

Strategi pembelajaran kooperatif
Strategi Pembelajaran dan Etnis terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis
Snowballing pada pembelajaran
Disarankan kepada guru biologi
Kelas II SLTP Laboratorium
Journal The American Biology
Sourcebook for Teaching Reasoning and Problem Solving in Elementary
Journal of Research in Science
Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Prestasi Belajar Biologi Siswa
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