
Reading habits must become a culture, especially ini educational institutional such as schools, the reading habits has been determined by the goverment in accordance with UU RI Nomor 20 pasal 4 ayat 5 tahun 2003 about the national education system. Many factors affect the level of cognitive intelligence of students, one of wich is silent reading. Reading this silent make it easier for students to understand the knowledge they get from books and teacher information, one of the schools that has implemented silent training is YPM Junior High School, this silent reading activity provides a special time for silent reading before starting lessons. As for the objectivites to be achieved in this study are: 1) to find out about silent reading activities at YPM Taman Sidoarjo High School, 2) to find out the level of cognitive intelligence of students in akidah akhlak subjects at SMK YPM 3 Sidoarjo, 3) to find the effect of the implementation of silent reading on the level of cognitive intelligence of students at SMA YPM 3 Sidoarjo.
 This research is a quantitative. As for the data collection techniques using documentation and questionnaires. Data analysis using teh percentage and correlation of the production moment. The result is 1). Implementation of reading a razor blade in SMK YPM 3 Taman Sidoarjo otherwise good enough, because it is in the range of 56-75% this is based on the percentage results with a value of 71% 2) the level of cognitive intelligence of students at SMA YPM 3 Taman Sidoarjo is in the range of 56-75% this based on the percentage results with a value of 68%. Wich is ontherwise good enough. 3). Silent reading gives 34,3% influence on the level of cognitive intelligence of student in the subject of akidah akhlak, in this case it means that 34.3 % of students area able to think, assess, state, expalain and provide examples of subject matter and 65.7% is influenced by other factors that have not been studied by researchers.


  • Implementation of reading a razor blade in SMK YPM 3 Taman Sidoarjo otherwise good enough, because it is in the range of 56-75% this is based on the percentage results with a value of 71% 2) the level of cognitive intelligence of students at SMA YPM 3 Taman Sidoarjo is in the range of 56-75% this based on the percentage results with a value of 68%

  • Silent reading gives 34,3% influence on the level of cognitive intelligence of student in the subject of akidah akhlak, in this case it means that 34.3 % of students area able to think, assess, state, expalain and provide examples of subject matter and 65.7% is influenced by other factors that have not been studied by researchers

  • 3. Silent reading memberikan pengaruh 34,3% terhadap tingkat kecerdasan kognitif peserta didik pada mata pelajaran aqidah akhlak, dalam hal ini berarti 34,3% peserta didik mampu berfikir, menilai, menyebutkan, menjelaskan dan memberikan contoh pada suatu materi pelajaran, dan 65,7% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang belum diteliti oleh peneliti

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Tujuan Program Silent Reading

Menurut Tarigan Tujuan utama dalam membaca dalam hati adalah untuk mencari serta memperoleh informasi, mencakup isi, memahami makna bacaan. Sedangkan menurut Blanton dkk dan Irwin dalam Rarida dijelaskan: 1. Kesenangan 2. Menurut Tarigan Tujuan utama dalam membaca dalam hati adalah untuk mencari serta memperoleh informasi, mencakup isi, memahami makna bacaan.. Sedangkan menurut Blanton dkk dan Irwin dalam Rarida dijelaskan: 1. Mengaitkan informasi baru dengan informasi yang telah diketahuinya 6. Memperoleh informasi untuk pengetahuan lisan atau tertulis 7. Sedangakan menurut Dharma tujuan membaca senyap bagi peserta didik adalah: 1. Berdasarkan uraian di atas maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa tujuan utama kegiatan silent reading adalah untuk mencari informasi bacaan secara mendalam dan memahami bacaan. Selain itu kegiatan membaca senyap juga bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang spesifik. Membiasakan peserta didik untuk selalu membaca, dan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca peserta didik

Macam-macam Membaca Dalam Silent Reading
Keterampilan yang dituntut dalam silent reading
Pengertian tingkat kecerdasan kognitif
Tahap Sensori-Motoris
Tahap Operasional Konkret
Tahap Operasional Formal
Faktor Hereditas
Faktor Lingkungan
Tujuan Mata Pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak
Ruang Lingkup Mata Pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak
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