
The aging process has led to changes in the body's anatomical and function on the elderly. Joint pain is one of the problems frequently encountered on elderly. Exercise in elderly is one of motion excellent exercise therapy for maintaining health of the elder, including reducing joint pain experienced. This study was aimed to know the effect of exercise with decrease of joint pain in elderly at Kelurahan Komplek Kenjeran, Kecamatan Bulak Surabaya. Design used was quasy experiment. Sample were 20 respondents taken according to inclusion criteria. The samples were divided in two groups, treatment (10 respondents) and control (10 respondets). The independent variable were exercise in elderly and dependent variable was joint pain scale. Data were then analyzed using wilcoxon test and mann-whitney u test with α≤ 0,05. Wilcoxon signed rank test results showed p=0.008 for treatment group and p=0.157 for control group. Mann Whitney U test showed (p=0.513). It can be concluded that there were significant relationship between exercise in elderly with improvement joint pain on elderly at Kelurahan Komplek Kenjeran Kec. Bulak Surabaya in February 2014. It recommended for nurses to improve the practice of gymnastics elderly to maintaining the health of elderly. Further research expected to examine other factors that may can improvement effect of joint pain on the elderly

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