
This study aims to determine the effect of the family religious habit and school types to the SMK (vocational school) students’ moral behaviors in Bantul regency. This study was using the quantitative descriptive method. The subjects of the study were SMK students in Bantul. The data collection technique used a research scale, interview, data presentation and data verification. The data analysis technique was multiple regressions analysis. The result of this study shows that there is significant positive effect of family religious habit concerning students’ moral behaviors. The higher the family religious habit, the better the students’ moral behaviors level. On the contrary, the lower the family religious habit, the lower the students’ moral behaviors level will be. There is a positive and significant effect of school types in relation to students’ moral behaviors. Furthermore there is significant difference between students who study in the religious schools and those who do not. Students of religious schools tend to have higher moral behavior level. There is a significant and simultaneous effect of family religious habit and school types in relation to students’ moral behavior. It indicates that religious environment at family and school may affect the students’ moral behaviour.


  • PЕNDAHULUAN Dalam rentang tahun 2017, data di Kabupaten Bantul memperlihatkan kecederungan penurunan moral remaja

  • ABЅTRACT: This study aims to determine the effect of the family religious habit and school types to the SMK students’ moral behaviors in Bantul regency

  • The result of this study shows that there is significant positive effect of family religious habit concerning students’ moral behaviors

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ABЅTRACT: This study aims to determine the effect of the family religious habit and school types to the SMK (vocational school) students’ moral behaviors in Bantul regency. There is a significant and simultaneous effect of family religious habit and school types in relation to students’ moral behavior. Lingkungan keluarga sangat berperan dalam membentuk religiusitas anaknya yang tumbuh remaja, sedangkan pihak sekolah lewat peraturan dan tata tertib seperti menganjurkan siswa untuk berpakaian secara sopan dan menutup aurot. Hasil observasi menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara siswa yang berlatar belakang pendidikan umum dengan siswa berlatar belakang pendidikan agama dalam berperilaku religiusitas maupun moral siswa. Pembentuk akhlak anak tidak secara instan tetapi harus dilakukan sedini mungkin dan melalui proses panjang sehingga kebiasaan anak dalam berperilaku moral yang baik akan tertanam. Dalam penelitian ini lebih spesifik ke objek yang beragama Islam yang diwakili SMK Negeri dan SMK Muhammdiyah Kabupaten Bantul. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh siswa SMK Negeri 1 Pundong kelas XI berjumlah 8 kelas dan 262 siswa, siswa SMK Muhammadiyah l Bantul yang berjumlah 12 kelas dan 394 siswa. Rancangan Analisis menggunakan uji kualitatif dan kuantitatif yaitu regresi linier berganda

Variabel Religiusitas Keluarga
Moral Siswa
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