
The development of Pekalongan city is rapidly due to its strategic location in the northern coast of Java and the establishment of a world heritage of Batik, so that it gives an influence on all aspects, especially social and economic. Pabean as one of the centers of the home-based batik industry in Pekalongan also played a role in the development of batik, but the existence of the tidal disaster coupled with the lack of conscious entrepreneurs in waste processing has made settlements at customs in a declining environmental quality. Regional recovery programs have been present with the aim of returning the function of settlement infrastructure and facilities in Pabean. This study seeks to examine how much influence the urban regeneration has on the quality of the residential environment in Pabean. by using multiple linear regression analysis using three independent variables which are the concept of urban regeneration, namely social relations of the community, participation of the private sector and the government in maintaining environmental quality, and the relationship between the public and private sector and the government towards the dependent variable of the quality of the settlement environment is obtained by the effect of 14, 29 percent.Keywords: urban regeneration, pekalongan, batik, Pabean


  • ABSTRAK Perkembangan Kota Pekalongan sangat pesat akibat dari lokasi yang strategis di jalur pantura Pulau Jawa dan penetapan sebagai world heritage of Batik, sehingga memberikan pengaruh terhadap segala aspek khususnya sosial dan ekonomi

  • The development of Pekalongan city is rapidly due to its strategic location in the northern coast

  • so that it gives an influence on all aspects

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Future requirements

Gambar 1 Diagram Proses Regenerasi Kota Sumber : Urban Regeneration, a Handbook (Roberts, Sykes, & Granger, 2000) dalam (Ardiati, 2017). Hasil dari kuesioner kemudian dilakukan skoring pada masing – masing indikator yang menunjukkan hasil kualitas lingkungan permukiman berdasarkan pendapat masyarakat dengan tingkatan skor baik, sedang, dan buruk. Kondisi lingkungan permukiman di Pabean adalah kawasan permukiman yang bercampur dengan industri kecil batik, rumah penduduk beserta sarana dan prasarana di Pabean secara keseluruhan menurut warga masyarakat setempat telah mengalami peninggian 2-3 kali dengan periode peninggian adalah setiap 1-2 tahun dikarenakan peningkatan rob yang menggenangi Pabean. Beragam program revitalisasi (Gambar 4) telah dilaksanakan di Pabean dengan dana bantuan pemerintah melalui Program Kotaku maupun lembaga donor lainnya dalam rangka merevitalisasi fungsi sarana dan prasarana yang ada di Pabean seperti pembangunan tower pamsimas, penyediaan MCK umum serta sanimas, perbaikan dan perkerasan jalan desa hingga gang permukiman dan lain sebagainya, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan permukiman di Pabean.

Permukiman Kawasan Pabean
Rata Rata
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Sum of df
Square the Estimate
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