
COVID-19 is a new disease that causes infection in the human respiratory tract and has a fairly high transmission rate. The problem related to this disease is the lack of public awareness in implementing a healthy lifestyle for the prevention and transmission of COVID-19. One way to gain knowledge and insight regarding the application of a healthy lifestyle is to organize health promotion through visual media and print media that are distributed to patients in the Cibogo Community Health Center, Subang Regency. Health promotion that is intensified through visual media and print media is expected to encourage people to capture, understand and remember the messages conveyed in the media, so that lifestyles can change according to science. This study uses a quantitative approach in which the calculation results will be described descriptively. There were 94 questionnaires distributed, each of which consisted of 13 statements. Based on research findings, health promotion through digital media attracts more public attention through print media. In addition, quality of life, in this study, is public awareness in implementing health protocols and implementing them in daily life.


  • Penyakit Covid-19 merupakan penyakit baru yang mengakibatkan infeksi pada saluran pernapasan manusia serta memiliki tingkat penularan cukup tinggi

  • The problem related to this disease is the lack of public awareness in implementing a healthy lifestyle for the prevention and transmission of COVID-19

  • One way to gain knowledge and insight regarding the application of a healthy lifestyle is to organize health promotion through visual media and print media that are distributed to patients in the Cibogo Community Health Center, Subang Regency

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Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas menunjukan bahwa nilai korelasi tiap item pernyataan dengan total skor yang diperoleh lebih besar dari 0,207 sehingga dapatdisimpulkan bahwa item pernyataan yang digunakan adalah valid dan dapat digunakan dalam analisis data selanjutnya. Pengujian reliabilitas menggunakan Alfa Cornbach dilakukan untuk instrumen yang memiliki jawaban lebih dari 1 (Adamson & Prion, 2013). Instrumen yang dimaksud misalnya berbentuk esai, angket, atau kuesioner. Menurut (Streiner, 2003) mengungkapkan bahwa instrumen dikatakan reliabel jika koefisien reliabilitas Alfa Cornbach lebih dari 0.70 (R1 > 0.70). Adapun hasil pengujian reliabilitas yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan program SPSS dengan jumlah responden 94 orang adalah sebagai berikut: Tabel 2. Berdasarkan hasil uji reliabilitas table 2 yang dilakukan terhadap semua item dalampenelitian ini dapat dikatakan reliabel dengan nilai Cronbach’s Alpa sebesar 0.891 karena lebih besar dari 0.70

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Iklan menggunakanmedia digital lebih menarik cetak dapat menambah wawasan
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