
This study aims to analyze the effect of gross domestic product, exports and exchange rate on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia. This research is in the form of quantitative based on quantitative data and is associative to see the relationship between variables or more. The data used is time series data from 2001 to 2018 using Eviews 9.0. And sourced from Bank Indonesia, the Central Bureau of statistics and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. This research uses data analysis technique is multiple linear analysis. The results showed that the variables of gross domestic product, exports and exchange rates have a positive and significant effect on Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserve. The R-square value in this study is 95.36, indicating that 95,36% of the variation in foreign exchange reserves can be explained by the gross domestic product, exchange rates and exports, while the remaining 4.64% is explained by other variables outside of this research model


  • This study aims to analyze the effect of gross domestic product, exports and exchange rate on foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia

  • The results showed that the variables of gross domestic product, exports and exchange rates have a positive and significant effect on Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserve

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Fuji Astuty Prodi Manajemen Universitas Prima Indonesia

Received: 21 Desember 2020, 2020; Accepted: 23 Desember 2020; Published: 25 Desember, 2020. Penelitian ini memliki tujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh produk domestik bruto, ekspor dan kurs terhadap cadangan devisa di Indonesia. Penelitian ini berbentuk kuantitatif yang didasarkan pada data kuantitatif dan bersifat asosiatif untuk melihat hubungan antar variabel atau lebih. Data yang digunakan adalah data time series dari tahun 2001 hingga tahun 2018 dengan menggunakan Eviews 9.0. Dan bersumber dari Bank Indonesia, Badan Pusat Statistik dan Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data adalah analisis linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel produk domestik bruto, ekspor dan kurs berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap cadangan devisa Indonesia. Nilai R-squared dalam penelitian ini sebesar 95.36 menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 95.36% variasi variabel cadangan devisa yang dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel produk domestik bruto, kurs dan ekspor, sedangkan sisanya 4.64% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain di luar dari model penelitian ini

Cadangan Devisa
Hasil Uji Multikolinearitas
Hasil Uji Hipotesis
Pengaruh Ekspor Impor dan Nilai Tukar Rupiah Terhadap Cadangan Devisa
Dinamika Cadangan Devisa Melalui Penelusuran Neraca Pembayaran
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