
An electric motor is an electro-magnetic device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is used to, for example, rotate a pump impeller, fan or blower, drive a compressor, lift materials, etc. Electric motors are also used at home (mixers, electric drills, wind fans) and in industry. Electric motors are sometimes called the "workhorse" of industry because it is estimated that they use about 70% of the industry's total electrical load.
 And at this time the power from the power source, namely PLN (State Electricity Company) often changes in voltage. Therefore, it is necessary to know by calculating the rotation and input power which is influenced by changes in the load of an induction motor as an illustration of induction motors in society which generally use single-phase induction motors. In this article, a 4 HP cage rotor 3-phase induction motor with a voltage of 380/220 volts is used in the electrical energy conversion laboratory of FT-UHN.

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