
Astropolithic is a focus of study that defines the relationship between space fields, technology, and the development of political, military and strategic policies. Astropolithics then became an attractive field for developed countries including the United States, resulting in the formation of a space military aimed at avoiding space threats and securing the space domain. . This article was created to discuss the influence of astropolitic developments on the military and defense of the United States during the leadership of Donald Trump using the perspective of Asthropolytic theory. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method and through the study of secondary sources. In this study, the main argument presented was that the United States considers the space domain to be one of the domains of a new type of war, which is also intended as an arena for ballistic missile arms races and also military navigation satellites. The formation of the United States' outer armed forces is also one of the responses of the United States administration under the leadership of Donald Trump to the development of missile defense technology and the space military which is also being developed by Russia and China. From an Astropolithic perspective, it can be seen that the existence of the space domain is becoming a new domain in international security which in the future will play an important role in competition between global powers.

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