
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. The sample of this research is OVO users in the Grab application who have done top-up at least 2 times in the Kebumen area as many as 100 respondents. The sampling technique uses nonprobability sampling technique, namely purposive sampling. Methods of data collection using questionnaires, literature studies and interviews. Analysis of the data used is the instrument validity and reliability test, the classic assumption test, hypothesis testing and path analysis using the SPSS 21 program for windows. The results of this study indicate that all items of each variable are valid and reliable. Both structural models meet the classic assumption test criteria with no multicollinearity, heterokedasticity, and normality assumptions. Based on the results of the t test showed that the variable perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a significant effect on customer satisfaction, perceived usefulness has a significant effect on repurchase intention, perceived ease of use has a significant effect on repurchase intention, customer satisfaction has a significant effect on repurchase intention.


  • The results of this study indicate that all items of each variable are valid and reliable

  • Analisis faktor-faktor kunci dari niat pembelian kembali secara ONLINE

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Uji Reliabilitas

Reliabilitas adalah alat untuk mengukur suatu kuesioner yang merupakan indikator dari variabel atau konstruk (Ghozali, 2013:47). Suatu konstruk atau variabel dikatakan reliable jika memberikan nilai. Berikut merupakan hasil uji reliabilitas yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan SPSS 22 for windows. Berdasarkan tabel di atas dapat dijelaskan bahwa seluruh variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dinyatakan reliable karena nilai Cronbach’s Alpha yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing variabel lebih dari

Uji Multikolinieritas
Uji Hipotesis Hasil Uji Parsial Substruktural 1
Analisis Korelasi Hasil Analisis Korelasi
Pihak perusahaan diharapkan terus melakukan inovasi-inovasi baru terhadap
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