
Indonesia and Asian countries use kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC) as a natural fragrance ingredient in various food and beverage products. In addition to flavoring food, kaffir lime by the community have long been known as traditional medicine. Cytronel is a chemical compound that has kaffir lime which is 81.49%. In addition to citronelal it was reported that linalool, cytronelyl-acetate, citronellol and geraniol were identified in kaffir lime. Although extraction of kaffir lime has not been done much, essential oils of kaffir lime are one of the potential alternatives in the food, beverage and perfume industry. The difference in yields of the treatment of drying and using ripening of fresh leaves is done to give an overview of the extraction of the best essential oils from kaffir lime leaves. The difference in the treatment of simplicia carried out before distillation showed better yields, namely the ripening treatment with yield of ± 0.80179%.


  • Indonesia and Asian countries use kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC) as a natural fragrance ingredient in various food and beverage products

  • kaffir lime by the community have long been known as traditional medicine

  • In addition to citronelal it was reported that linalool

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PENGARUH PERBEDAAN PERLAKUAN PENDAHULUAN TERHADAP RENDEMEN MINYAK ATSIRI DAUN JERUK. ABSTRAK Indonesia dan negara-negara Asia menggunakan jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix DC) sebagai bahan pewangi alami dalam berbagai produk makanan dan minuman. Jeruk purut oleh masyarakat telah lama dikenal sebagai obat tradisional. Cytronel adalah senyawa kimia yang memiliki jeruk purut yaitu 81,49%. Selain citronelal dilaporkan bahwa linalool, cytronelyl-acetate, citronellol dan geraniol diidentifikasi dalam jeruk purut. Meskipun ekstraksi jeruk nipis belum banyak dilakukan, minyak atsiri jeruk nipis adalah salah satu alternatif potensial dalam industri makanan, minuman dan parfum. Perbedaan hasil perlakuan pengeringan dan penggunaan pematangan daun segar dilakukan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang ekstraksi minyak atsiri terbaik dari daun jeruk purut. Perbedaan perlakuan simplisia yang dilakukan sebelum penyulingan menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik, yaitu perlakuan pematangan dengan hasil ± 0,80179%

Hasil beberapa ton per tahun dari
Sampel berupa daun jeruk
Perlakuan Pemeraman Dengan
Bau Khas
Malaysian Journal of Analytical
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