
Kateri Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the conservation areas in East Nusa Tenggara that has beenexperiencing forest destruction and habitat degradation, caused by forest encroachment byirresponsible parties. The impact of forest destruction has implications for variousenvironmental components, ecosystems, and habitats. The loss of forest vegetation will disruptthe local microclimate and cause an increase in temperature, resulting in high evaporation, adecrease in groundwater levels, and a reduction in surface water. Areas with hilly topographyand steep slopes have minimal ground cover by vegetation. In the rainy season, water isabundant, but in the dry season, there is a shortage of water. This study aims to determine howmuch influence encroachment has on Tubaki spring discharge using quantitative methodsconducted from September to December 2022. The data collected with xxx methods The resultsof the study of Tubaki spring discharge tended to decrease due to forest encroachment thatoccurred in the area above Tubaki spring. Land cover of forest types experienced changes incover from 1999 to 2022 tends to decrease. In 1999, forest land cover amounted to 37.52% andwill reach 11.20% in 2022. The correlation coefficient between forest encroachment and springdischarge is in the strong category, and the current amount of spring discharge is 78.47%influenced by forest encroachment, while the other 21.53% is influenced by other factors thatcannot be explained in this research method.

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