
 This study aims to determine the effect of the distribution of productive zakat funds on the improvement of mustahik micro enterprises in BAZNAS Microfinance, Jabon Mekar Parung Village, Bogor. Productive zakat is zakat on assets or funds given to mustahik not spent but developed and used to help mustahik's business. Distribution of zakat funds is the provision of zakat funds to mustahik or zakat recipients as an effort to alleviate poverty. Micro business is a productive business that has a wealth of Rp. 50,000,000 excluding land and buildings for business premises. The improvement of micro-enterprises is an effort or process to advance the conditions of micro-enterprises towards a better direction. In this study, using a quantitative method by taking a sample of 25% of the total population of 162 business actors registered with BAZNAS Microfinance partners in Jabon Mekar Village in 2020. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires and observation. With that, the data analysis techniques used in this research are Normality Test, Simple Linear Regression Test and Hypothesis Testing.
 Keywords: Productive Zakat, Distribution of Zakat Funds, Micro Enterprises, Micro Business Improvement, Village Microfinance BAZNAS

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