
Left-right run and tru e -fals e strategy is th e activity h e aring a true statement then run to th e right and when hearing a fals e statement th e n run to the left. Th e learning outcome is the ability the stud e nt receives after learning activities. Th e english language learning was about my body's material for IV grade. This research aims to know the result of student learning by using Left-right run and tru e -fals e strateg y on learning English and to know if there is a significant influence to student learning outcome by using Left-right run and tru e -fals e strateg y . This research is field research by using experimental method. Th e sample in this research is the fourth graders of MIN Managers in Banjarmasin. IV grad e students A ar e as experimental classes (using Left-right run and tru e -fals e strategy) and fourth-grade students B ar e as control class (using index card match strategy). The material taught is my body material. The result of the research shows that the use of Left-right run and tru e -fals e strategy can improve the students' learning outcomes in fourth grade English learning at MIN Pemurus Dalam in Banjarmasin. It is based on the analysis of student learning outcomes of experimental and control class. Experimental results of experimental class students are better than the results of the control class students. This can be seen from the average value of the experimental group students at 87.82 whereas the average grade of the control class students is 64.09. Based on average posttest results, the difference is 23.73. Left-right run and tru e -fals e strategy has a significant effect on student learning outcomes in fourth grade English learning at MIN Pemurus Dalam in Banjarmasin. This is based on a different test that states Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.

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