
<p>The purpose to be achieved in this research is to know; 1) differences in the influence of the use of media ICT and conventional learning against learning achievement in grade V Diponegoro Cluster Elementary Schools, 2) the difference between the effect of learning independence in the high and low categories of the learning achievement of students in grade V Diponegoro Cluster Elementary Schools, 3) the interaction of the use of ICT media and learning independence on the learning achievement of the students of grade V Diponegoro Cluster Elementary School. This type of research uses the 2x2 Factorial Experimental Method. The research population was all elementary school students of grade V Diponegoro Cluster Elementary School, Bae sub-district, Kudus. The research is using Random Sampling Clusters, Selected SDN 2 Dersalam and SDN 1 Dersalam. Data collection techniques is using questionnaire and test. Hypothesis testing is using Two Path ANAVA Technique. The results of the study are: 1) there is significant differences in the influence of ICT learning media and conventional learning on science learning achievement (Fcount 4,808> Ftable 4,000), 2) there is significant differences in the effect of learning independence on science learning achievement (Fcount 4,770> Ftable 4,000), and 3 ) there is a significant influence of learning media interaction and learning independence on science learning achievement (Fcount 4.402> Ftable 4,000)</p>


  • Kegiatan belajar mengajar IPA di Gugus Diponegoro UPT Pendidikan Kecamatan Bae Kudus pada umumnya masih kurang mandiri, hal ini dikarenakan peserta didik kurang aktif dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas dan cenderung pasif

  • The purpose to be achieved in this research is to know; 1) differences in the influence of the use of media ICT and conventional learning against learning achievement in grade V Diponegoro Cluster Elementary Schools, 2) the difference between the effect of learning independence in the high and low categories of the learning achievement of students in grade V Diponegoro Cluster Elementary Schools, 3) the interaction of the use of ICT media and learning independence on the learning achievement of the students of grade V Diponegoro Cluster Elementary School

  • The results of the study are: 1) there is significant differences in the influence of ICT learning media and conventional learning on science learning achievement (Fcount 4,808> Ftable 4,000), 2) there is significant differences in the effect of learning independence on science learning achievement (Fcount 4,770> Ftable 4,000), and 3 ) there is a significant influence of learning media interaction and learning independence on science learning achievement (Fcount 4.402> Ftable 4,000)

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Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelas V pada dua SD Negeri di Gugus Diponegoro Kecamatan Bae Kudus, pada pembelajaran semester genap tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen menggunakan desain faktorial 2 x 2. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa Kelas V di SD Negeri Gugus Diponegoro UPT Pendidikan kecamatan Dawe Kudus. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara, yaitu: 1) tes kognitif mata pelajaran IPA 2) penyebaran angket untuk pengumpulan data kemandirian belajar peserta didik. Uji instrument ini meliputi: 1) Uji Validitas Angket kemandirian belajar Peserta didik dengan Product Moment Pearson. 2) Uji Reliabilitas Angket kemandirin Belajar Peserta didik dengan rumus Kuder Richardson (KR-20). 3) Uji validitas tes prestasi belajar IPA menggunakan rumus Product Moment, 4) Uji reliabilitas tes prestasi belajar dengan formula KR-20, 5) Uji daya beda tes prestasi belajar, 6) Uji tingkat kesukaran tes prestasi belajar. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan uji analisis variansi dua jalan (ANAVA)

Deskripsi Data Kemandirian Belajar
Deskripsi Data Prestasi Belajar IPA
Pengujian Normalitas
Pengujian Homogenitas
Pengujian Hipotesis
Pengaruh Kemandirian Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPA
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