
Background: Low birth weight babies (LBW) are a factor in the increasing morbidity and mortality rates of infants. One of the problems that occur in LBW babies is the lack of knowledge and skills of the mother. One of the methods of health education to increase the knowledge and skills of mothers in the industrial era 4.0 is to use the smart mother application. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using the smart mother application on the knowledge and skills of mothers in caring for low birth weight babies (LBW) in the perinatology room of RSUD M. Haulussy Ambon. Methods: This research was a quasi experimental research design with pre-test and post-test control group design. This study used purposive sampling technique to 30 mothers who were divided into 2 groups. Results: Wilcoxon analysis showed that there was a significant difference in the knowledge of the mother before and after being given the smart mother application with p-value = 0.001, there was a significant difference in the skills of the mother before and after being given the smart mother application with p value = 0.001. Logistic regression analysis showed that there was an effect of education on maternal knowledge with p value = 0.024, and there was an effect of education on maternal skills with p value = 0.039. Conclusion: The results of this study are expected to become a new program for nurses to improve the knowledge and skills of mothers in caring for low birth weight babies. Keywords: LBW; skills; knowledge; smart mother ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Bayi berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) menjadi faktor resiko penyebab meningkatnya angka kesakitan dan kematian bayi. Masalah yang terjadi pada perawatan bayi BBLR salah satunya adalah kurang pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam merawat bayi. Media pendidikan kesehatan diperlukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu di era industry 4,0 salah satunya yaitu aplikasi smart mother. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi smart mother terhadap pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam merawat bayi berat lahir rendah (BBLR) di ruang perinatologi RSUD M. Haulussy Ambon. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasy experimental dengan desain penelitian pre-test and post-test control group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan tehnik purposive sampling terhadap 30 ibu yang dibagi dalam 2 kelompok. Hasil: Analisis wilcoxon menunjukan terdapat perbedaan bermakna pengetahuan ibu sebelum dan sesudah diberikan aplikasi smart mother dengan p value =0,001, terdapat perbedaan bermakna keterampilan ibu sebelum dan sesudah diberikan aplikasi smart mother dengan p value = 0,001. Analisis regresi logistik menunjukan terdapat pengaruh pendidikan ibu terhadap pengetahuan ibu dengan p value =0,024, dan terdapat pengaruh pendidikan ibu terhadap keterampilan ibu dengan p value =0,039. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan sebuah program baru bagi perawat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keretampilan ibu dalam merawat bayi BBLR. Kata kunci: BBLR; keterampilan; pengetahuan; smart mother

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