
 This research is done to determine: (1) the influence of people’s knowledge on the decision tgggo use Islamic Banking product, (2) The influence of Islamic values applicatgion on the decision to use Islamic Banking product (The case study of Langsa Town’s Community). The research uses a quantitative approach. The sampling technique is done by purposive sampling. The research data is collected by distributing quantionnaires to 100 respondent. The analysis techniques used are classic assumption test, multiple regression and hypothesis analysis.
 Based on the data analysis result by using SPSS version 17 system, it concludes that on adjusted R-Square test, 38.5 %shows relationship and contribution of variables on the people’s knowledge and interest of Islamic values application in influencing the decision tu use the saving products and the remaining 61.5 % is explained by other variables of knowledge and interest in the application of Islamic values have an influence on the decision to use saving products.
 The results F (simultaneous) F count of 32.014 > 3.09 F table so that it can be concluded that Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a simultaneous influence (together) of people’s knowledge variables and interest in applying Islamic values to the decision to use savings products. T test results (partial) variable knowledge of the decision to use savings products obtained t count of 4.408 > 1.660 t table, it means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus the people’s knowledge variable has a partially significant influence on people’s decisions to use Islamic Banking savings products.


  • This research is done to determine: (1) the influence of people’s knowledge on the decision tgggo use Islamic Banking product, (2) The influence of Islamic values applicatgion on the decision to use Islamic Banking product (The case study of Langsa Town’s Community)

  • The research data is collected by distributing quantionnaires to 100 respondent

  • Based on the data analysis result by using SPSS version 17 system, it concludes that on adjusted R-Square test, 38.5 %shows relationship and contribution of variables on the people’s knowledge and interest of Islamic values application in influencing the decision tu use the saving products and the remaining 61.5 % is explained by other variables of knowledge and interest in the application of Islamic values have an influence on the decision to use saving products

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Perkembangan perbankan syariah di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari sistem perbankan secara umum. Ada alasan utama berdirinya perbankan syariah di Indonesia yaitu adanya pandangan bahwa bunga pada bank konvensional hukumnya haram dan dari segi ekonomi dimana penyerahan risiko dibebankan pada salah satu pihak dinilai melanggar norma keadilan. Al-Baqarah ayat 275 sebagai berikut : Ketika para pemakan riba dibangkitkan dari kuburnya untuk perhitungan amal, mereka akan keluar dalam keadaan seperti seorang yang gila akibat kerasukan Jin dan dikuasai setan. Semasa hidup di dunia mereka berkata, “Tidak akan terjadi apa-apa terhadap kami akibat riba, karena riba mirip sekali dengan jual-beli, sama-sama berdasarkan tukar menukar dan saling suka satu sama lain.”. Lantas Allah bantah kebohongan mereka dengan pernyataan jual beli hukumnya halal, karena terdiri dari tukar-menukar kepentingan dan bergulirnya manfaat tanpa ada perugian dan tidak pula penipuan. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan dari beberapa bank konvensional yang menerapkan prinsip syariah.

BPR Syariah Serambi - Mekkah
Pengetahuan Pemakaian
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