
Background: Implants are hormonal contraceptives that are very effective, not permanent, and can prevent pregnancy between three and five years. Objective: To determine the effect of family planning counseling on implant contraceptive use at Maroangin Public Health Center in Telluwanua Subdistrict, Palopo City in 2018th. Method: The research design was used in the "Pre-experimental" study with the design of the "group comparison group. The sample will be used in this study as many as 60 people, divided into two groups, namely the intervention group as many as 30 people and the control group as many as 30 people. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. Data collection uses observation sheets. Data was processed using SPSS version 23 and analyzed by univariate, bivariate using Mann-whitney. Results: There is an effect of the implementation of family planning counseling on implant contraceptive use in Maroangin Health Center Telluwanua District Palopo City in 2018, with a value of ρ = .003 <value of α = .05. Conclusion: There is an effect of the implementation of family planning counseling on implant contraceptive use at Maroangin Public Health Center in Telluwanua District, Palopo City in 2018.

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