
 Lembaga Amil Zakat Dompet Peduli Ummat Daarut Tauhiid (DPU DT to contribute to community empowerment in the economic field, Education, preaching, humanity and social. This research is motivated by the problem of how to distribute or distribution of productive zakat funds to the level of economic income mustahik. Seeing the problems experienced by mustahik better than before and after becoming a mustahik, with the empowerment of this productive zakat mustahik is expected to be able to run his business continuously so that increase economic income. This research is a descriptive-quantitative research using the Simple Linear Regression method. Sample in research this amounted to 20 respondents. Data collection using a questionnaire and Data processing using analysis tools SPSS Version 26.0, research result shows that the distribution of productive zakat funds has an effect on Mustahik's income level is 61.1%, while the rest are influenced by another factor of 38.9%. Therefore, Productive zakat distribution in Business capital by DPU DT Bogor Branch can be increased.

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