
Background: Baby massage is the oldest known human touch therapy and the most popular. Baby massage not only affects the baby's physical and emotional growth. If baby massage done by his father, it can increase milk production in the mother's body.
 Objective: Knowing mother's knowledge and behavior about infant massage before and given health education and improvement of knowledge and behavior before and after counseling.
 Methods: Type of research that will be used in this research is pre-experiment design (pre-experiment design). The sample size is 30 respondents. Data source in this research is primary data source that is by using questioner and Prior to being given a health education about infant massage.
 Result : Knowledge of the majority mother either as many as 19 respondents (63,33%), after being given health education about baby massage, all knowledge of good mother (100%), before given health education about baby massage, infants as a whole fall into the category of less (100%) because all mothers do not yet know how to do baby massage, after being given health education about baby massage, mother behavior in doing baby massage majority according to technique that is 17 responden (56,67%).
 Conclusion: There is a significant influence between health education on infant massage on mother's knowledge and behavior about baby massage in Brajan Tamantirto Banul Yogyakarta
 Keyword: Baby massage behavior, health education, knowledge.


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Jumlah Presentase responden

Berdasarkan tabel 1 di atas, diketahui bahwa sebagian besar karakteristik responden berusia 20-35 tahun (83,3%), jumlah paritas sebagian adalah multi 60%. Pendidikan responden sebagian besar adalah lulusan SMA yaitu sebanyak. 50% (15 orang), jumlah pekerjaan terbanyak yaitu ibu yang tidak bekerja sebanyak 90%. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 30 responden yang terdiri dari ibu postpartum di PMB Ponirah Kota Metro Pusat terhadap pengaruh sitz bath air hangat terhadap lama penyembuhan luka perineum menggunakan analisis data univariat. Ratarata lama penyembuhan luka perineum pada masing-masing kelompok sitz bath dan kelompok yang tidak dilakukan sitz bath

Tidak dilakukan Sitz Bath
Variable n P value
Care Intructions On Episiotomy Pain And
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