
Blue Swimming crab ( Portunus pelagicus ) is one of important fishery in Indonesia that captured nearshore on the bottom of the sea. There has been a significant water contamination on the Jakarta bay and the fishery are reported to be effected. Many heavy metals and other contaminants are introduced into the waters, sediments, and fishery that living in the bay. Heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Hg and As are the most lethal contaminants and found in Jakarta Bay. This study aims to determine the effect of heavy metals contaminants to the blue swimming crab morphometric, body organs and population structure of blue swimming crabs in Jakarta bay, which compared to the study in healthier environment in Madura island. The results of this study showed that 1) The morphometric parameter of blue swimming crab population in Jakarta and Madura are significantly different. 2) The internal organ of the blue swimming crab (hepatopancreas, gonad and gill) in Jakarta bay are also significantly different than in Madura. The histological analysis are confirmed some abnormal indication of the internal body of the blue swimming crab in Jakarta bay.3) Some population parameters of the blue swimming crab in jakarta bay are significantly different than in Madura island. The fishery structure in Jakarta bay showed the size of first maturity of the crabs is relatively smaller than in Madura and other area of Inodonesia. The fishery mangament based on spatial area management is recommended to apply in different area of Indonesia. Keywords: heavy metal contamination, blue swimming crab


  • Blue Swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) is one of important fishery in Indonesia that captured nearshore on the bottom of the sea

  • The histological analysis are confirmed some abnormal indication of the internal body of the blue swimming crab in Jakarta bay.3) Some population parameters of the blue swimming crab in jakarta bay are significantly different than in Madura island

  • The fishery structure in Jakarta bay showed the size of first maturity of the crabs is relatively smaller than in Madura and other area of Inodonesia

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Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus, LINN) dikenal dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai blue swimming crab yang merupakan satu spesies yang bernilai ekonomis paling penting diantara jenis yang lain seperti Portunus trituberculatus, Portunus gladiator, Portunus sanguinus, Portunus hastatoides (Susanto 2006). Rajungan terdistribusi ke seluruh air Indo-pasifik, termasuk di hampir di seluruh periaran Indonesia, terutama di sekitar Bangka-Belitung, di Laut Jawa dari Sumatera Timur ke Bali, Selat Makassar, Sulawesi timur dan selatan, Laut Flores dan Nusa Tenggara (Susanto 2007). Kondisi ekologis perairan teluk Jakarta yang tertekan oleh pencemaran air diduga telah mempengaruhi karakteristik biologi dan kelestarian rajungan di teluk Jakarta, yang selanjutnya bisa mempengaruhi hasil tangkap dan penghasilan nelayan. Perairan Teluk Jakarta merupakan salah satu perairan di Indonesia yang padat dengan berbagai jenis kegiatan manusia. Logam berat adalah unsur-unsur kimia dengan bobot jenis lebih besar dari 5 gr/cm, terletak di sudut kanan bawah sistem periodik, mempunyai daya ikat yang tinggi terhadap unsur S dan biasanya bernomor atom 22 sampai 92 dari perioda 4 sampai 7 (Palar 1994). Melalui penelitian ini diharapakan dapat mengetahui informasi mengenai pengaruh pencemaran terhadap organ tubuh rajungan yang ditangkap di teluk Jakarta dan kondisi struktur populasinya

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