
This study aimed to determine the immersion effect of broiler carcasses in 3% citric acid, 3% acetic acid, and combination of citric acid and acetic acid with concentration of 1.5% each on the total plate count of bacteria E. coli. Eight broilers carcasses (dissected into 2 parts) were divided into 4 treatment groups with 2 times repetition and 3 times observation at 0, 4, and 8 hours after dipped. The control treatment (K0) without dipped into acid solution. Broiler carcasses in the first (K1), second (K2), and the third (K3) treatments were dipped into 3% acetic acid, 3% citric acid, and combination of 1.5% acetic acid and 1.5% citric acid respectively. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance. The average of E. coli count in K0 at 0, 4, and 8 hours post dipping were 5.2±0.061, 6.8±0.99, and 7.0±0.107 log 10 cfu/g of chicken meat respectively. In similar observation time with K0, the average of total E. coli count were 5.5±0.373, 6.0±0.023, and 6.0±0.242 log 10 cfu/g of chicken meat in K1, 5.3±0.166, 6.0±0.143, and 6.0±0.084 log 10 cfu/g of chicken meat in K2, 5.7±0.041, 5.9±0.92, and 5.8±0.058 log 10 cfu/g of chicken meat in K3 at 0,4, and 8 hours post dipping respectively. Statistical analysis showed that the immersion of broiler carcass in acetic acid and citric acid solution were significantly (P <0.05) decrease the number of E. coli. There were interaction between immersion of broiler carcass in organic acids and observation time which significantly decrease the number of E. coli (p <0.05). In conclusion, the immersion of carcass chicken in 3 % acetic acid, 3% citric acid, and their combination reduce the amount of E. coli. Key words: chicken carcass , citric acid 3%, acetic acid 3% , Escherichia coli


  • Karkas ayam pedaging adalah bagian dari ayam pedaging hidup setelah dipotong, dibului, dikeluarkan jeroan dan lemak abdominal, dipotong kepala dan leher serta kedua kaki (Badan Standardisasi Nasional, 1995)

  • treatments were dipped into 3% acetic acid

  • The average of E. coli count in K0

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Dalam penelitian ini digunakan delapan karkas ayam pedaging belahan dua dibagi ke dalam empat kelompok perlakuan dengan dua kali pengulangan dan tiga kali waktu pengamatan yaitu jam ke-0, 4, dan 8 setelah pencelupan. Kelompok kontrol (K0) yaitu tanpa pencelupan dalam larutan asam, kelompok I (K1) karkas daging ayam dicelupkan dalam larutan asam asetat 3%, kelompok II (K2) dicelupkan dalam larutan asam sitrat 3%, dan kelompok III (K3) dicelupkan dalam larutan kombinasi asam asetat 1,5% dan asam sitrat 1,5%. Pemeriksaan ALT E. coli dilakukan pada jam ke-0, 4, dan 8

Persiapan Pembuatan Larutan Asam Asetat dan Asam Sitrat
Pencelupan Daging Ayam dalam Larutan Asam Sitrat dan Asam Asetat
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