
Betaine and turmeric powder have the benefit of increasing digestibility and metabolism which affects the productivity of pig finisher period. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect and best dosage of betaine addition combined with turmeric powder in feed on ileum villi, protein digestion, and protein efficiency ratio of finisher period pig. The research was conducted experimentally according to a completely randomized design with 4 type of combination treatments of betain and turmeric powder in ration as follow: R0 = Basal feed, R1 = R0 + 0.4% turmeric powder + 0.1% betaine, R2 = R0 + 0.4% turmeric powder + 0.15% betaine, R3 = R0 + 0.4% turmeric powder + 0.2% betaine. Each treatment was repeated five times. The variables observed were ileum villi, protein digestion, and protein efficiency ratio. The results of the research showed that the treatments had a significant effect on the number of ileum villi, protein digestion, protein efficiency ratio, and. The addition of 0.15% betaine combined with 0.4% turmeric powder (R2) in feed showed the best effect on the ileum villi, protein digestion, and protein efficiency ratio of pig finisher period


  • turmeric powder have the benefit of increasing digestibility and metabolism which affects the productivity of finisher period pig

  • The results of the research showed that the treatments had a significant effect on the number

  • The addition of 0.15% betaine combined with 0.4% turmeric powder

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Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 60 hari di Peternakan Aan, yang berlokasi di Desa Mekar Jaya, Kecamatan Curug, Kota Tangerang, Provinsi Banten. Penelitian menggunakan babi lokal (peranakan Landrace) periode finisher dengan masa adaptasi 7 hari, dan percobaan 60 hari, bobot badan setelah adaptasi 55-66 kg/ ekor. Jumlah babi yang digunakan sebagai objek penelitian 20 ekor. Babi ditempatkan secara acak dalam kandang individu dengan kondisi lingkungan yang sama. Kandang penelitian adalah semi close house dengan jumlah 20 unit kandang individu dengan ukuran panjang 170 cm, lebar 70 cm dan tinggi 100 cm. Tepung kunyit yang digunakan adalah tepung kunyit komersil yang dijual dipasaran. Betain yang digunakan adalah betain sintesis (Betain HCl) melalui proses molasses yang berbentuk tepung dan berwarna putih. Ransum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ransum basal dengan komposisi terdiri dari tepung jagung, dedak padi, susu coklat bubuk, konsentrat bebas AGP yang kemudian diformulasikan sesuai kebutuhan babi fase finisher. Ternak diberi obat cacing sesuai dosis yang tertera dikemasan

Rancangan penelitian
Prosedur pengambilan data
Jumlah vili ileum
Kecernaan protein
Imbangan efisiensi protein
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