
THE EFFECT OF ADDITION OF RAMUAN IN DRINKING WATER ON CARCASS PERCENTAGE, ABDOMEN FAT PERCENTAGE AND HEART PERCENTAGE OF AYAM KAMPUNG SUPER. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of herbs mixed in water added to percentage of carcass, fat abdomen and heart of “ayam kampung super”. This research used a 84 of chicken at five weeks old.The Herbs were garlic (allium sativum l.), kencur (kaempferia galangal l.), turmeric (curcuma domestika val.), temulawak (curcuma xanthorhiza roxb), ginger (zingiber officinale roscoe), leaf leaves (piper better linn) and mahkota dewa (phaleria macrocarpa boerl). The extracted herbs were mixed with palm sugar and fermented with EM4. The complete randomized design consist of 3 treatments and 7 replications were used as methods. The treatment were formulated as follow R0= drinking water without addition of herbs, R1= 1 liter water + 2.5 of mL herbs, R2= 1 liter drinking water + 5 mL of herbs. Research result showed that the addition of herbs 2.5 mL and 5 mL in drinking water shows no significant effect (P >0.05) on the percentage of carcass and liver percentage, but there was an increase in the percentage of carcass in treatment of R1 and R2. While the treatment gave a high significantly effect (P <0.01) on the percentage of abdominal fat. The conclusion of this research is the giving of herbs up to 5 mL added to drinking water does not cause the percentage change of carcass and liver percentage but the giving 5 mL of herbs decrease of abdominal fat percentage of “ayam kampung super”. Key words: Super local chicken, herbs, percentage carcass, percentage of abdominal fat, percentage liver.

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