
In this study made prebiotic from bioconversion of corn flour (Zea mays L.) by yeast Endomycopsis fibuligera as an alternative substitute for antibiotics. In this study, the addition of Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ions aimed to determine the optimum type and concentration of metal in prebiotic and testing the effect of prebiotic compounds produced on broiler weight gain. The analysis carried out included: reducing sugars, α-amylase and glucoamylase enzyme activity, protein content and cell biomass. To determine the existence of a significant effect, the analysis was carried out on broiler body weight given prebiotic compounds which were added to optimum metal ions and which were given prebiotic compounds without the addition of metal ions. The results showed that the addition of optimum metal ions was obtained on Ca2+ ions with a concentration of 0.25%, where the reducing sugar content of 0.600 mg / mL, the activity of the enzyme α-amylase and glucoamylase 0.519 and 0.287 units / mL, protein content 2.724 mg / mL, cell biomass 10.8933 mg / mL, from observations and statistical tests carried out by giving prebotic compounds by adding metal ions and giving prebiotic compounds without adding metal ions influence broiler weight gain with an average weight difference of 261 grams or 15% on day 30.


  • In this study made prebiotic from bioconversion of corn flour (Zea mays L.) by yeast Endomycopsis fibuligera as an alternative substitute for antibiotics

  • The results showed that the addition of optimum metal ions was obtained on Ca2+ ions with a concentration of 0.25%, where the reducing sugar content of 0.600 mg / mL, the activity of the enzyme α-amylase and glucoamylase 0.519 and 0.287 units / mL, protein content 2.724 mg / mL, cell biomass 10.8933 mg / mL, from observations and statistical tests carried out by giving prebotic compounds by adding metal ions and giving prebiotic compounds without adding metal ions influence broiler weight gain with an average weight difference of 261 grams or 15% on day 30

  • British Journal of nutrition 2008, 101, (5), 633-658

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Ekstrak ragi dan tepung jagung masingmasing di timbang sebanyak

NaH2PO4 0,1 gram, ditambahkan ion logam (Na+, K+, Mg+ dan Ca2+) kedalam lima buah erlenmeyer 250 mL kemudian ditambahkan akuades sebanyak 100 mL. Media produksi yang telah mengandung mikroba dikocok selama 96 jam atau diinkubasi pada suhu kamar, 150 rpm selama 1-4 hari kemudian dilakukan sampling untuk mengukur, biomassa sel, kadar protein, gula preduksi, aktivitas enzim alfa-amilase dan aktivitas glukoamilase. Adapun prosedur untuk Enzim ekstrak kasar adalah sebagai berikut : 0,250 mL Larutan enzim ekstrak kasar dimasukkan ke dalam tabung reaksi lalu ditambahkan 1,25 mL pati larut (1%), kemudian ditambahkan 0,25 mL larutan buffer asetat (pH 5) diinkubasi selama 10 menit pada suhu 500oC setelah diinkubasi ditambahkan 1 mL DNSA, kemudian dipanaskan selama 10 menit, didiamakan 5 menit dengan menggunakan air suling. DNSA sebanyak 3 mL di tambahkan lalu dipanaskan selama 10 menit kemudian didinginkan dalam air selama 15 menit dan serapannya diukur pada panjang gelombang 575 nm.

Ayam Potong
Pedaging dengan Pemberian Senyawa
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