
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and the best energy-rich feed that could be combined with LAB on oil palm fronds (OPF) silage. Energy-rich feeds (molasses, rice polish, palm kernel cake (PKC), sludge and rice bran) were used and each of them was combined with LAB (Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum, 1010 CFU/mL). The treatments were : P0 = OPF, P1 = OPF + LAB (5 ml/kg), P2 = OPF + LAB (5 ml/kg) + molasses (3%), P3 = OPF (control) + LAB (5 ml/kg) + rice polish (3%), P4 = OPF + LAB (5 ml/kg) + BIS (3%), P5 = OPF + LAB (5 ml/kg) + sludge (3%), P6 = OPF + LAB (5 ml/kg) + rice bran (3%). Silages were packed in airtight transparent bottle silo (300 g capacity) and stored at room temperature. After 3 weeks, each silo was opened and sampled for physicals, nutrient and fiber analyses. Data were statistically analyzed in completely randomized design, and continued with orthogonal contrast analyses. The addition of LAB significantly (P<0.01) increased crude protein (CP), crude fibre (CF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), decreased hemicellulose but no significant effect on nitrogen-free extract (NFE) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) content of OPF silages. The addition of energy-rich feeds significantly (P<0.01) increased CF and CP, decreased NFE, NDF and hemicellulose, but no significant effects on ADF of OPF silage. The most suitable energy-rich feeds combining with LAB in producing OPF silage was rice bran.


  • Perkebunan sawit menghasilkan berbagai macam limbah, salah satu diantaranya adalah oil palm fronds (OPF) (Oil Palm Frond)

  • The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effects of Lactic Acid Bacteria

  • the best energy-rich feed that could be combined with Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) on oil palm fronds

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Alat dan Bahan

Bahan yang digunakan terdiri dari OPF, BAL, molasses, poles, BIS, lumpur sawit, dedak halus, katalis campuran (metal green), H2SO4 pekat, H2SO4 0,3N, NaOH 40%, NaOH 0,3N, NaOH 1,5 N dan aseton. Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain mesin chopper, silo (botol transparan), hummer mill, saringan, cawan porselen, neraca analitik, penjepit, oven, eksikator, tanur, pembakar bunsen, labu destruksi, labu destilasi, destilator, pemanas listrik, labu Erlenmeyer 250 mL dan 500 mL, biuret, corong, pipet, gelas ukur, batu didih, indikator campuran, soklet, kertas saring bebas lemak nomor 5, kertas saring nomor 41, sarung tangan karet, kapas bebas lemak, pinset, pelarut (kloroform), gelas piala, corong brunchner dan pompa vakum

Rancangan penelitian
Persiapan OPF
Persiapan Pakan Sumber Energi
Pembuatan Silase dan Analisis Sampel
Keadaan Umum Silase OPF
Pengaruh Perlakuan terhadap Kandungan Nutrisi Silase OPF
No Kontras
Kandungan Fraksi Serat Silase OPF
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