
Soil has an important role in a highway construction planning that serves to pass the load from the top layer, but not always the basic soil layer is able to function properly. Therefore, in this study was conducted to find out the effect of the addition of oil palm shell ash on clay soil to UCT (Unconfined Compression Test). The type of soil that will be usedfor penelitian is clay soil taken in Paccinongang area, Gowa Regency. The methodology in this study conducted several soil physical properties testing then Kompaksi testing to obtain optimum moisture content value, and Unconfined Compression Test to get strong press value (qu). The results of the study showed that the soil meets the physical properties of clay soil. From The Free Press Strong test on the ash content of the palm shell 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 15% at point 1 the free press strength value decreased from 0% by 0.362% and increased at 9% by 0.424%. Meanwhile, at point 2, it decreased by 0% by 0.445% and increased at 12% by 0.423%. From the Unconfined Compression Test on Paccinongang clay, Gowa Regency with the addition of oil palm shell ash from both samples, there was an increase in the addition of 9% and 12% of normal clay soil.


  • Tanah didefenisikan sebagai material yang terdiri dari agregat mineral-mineral padat yang tidak tersementasi satu sama lain. [1] Tanah lempung adalah tanah yang berbutir halus, yang memiliki sifat kohesif dan plastis. [2] Stabilisasi tanah merupakan salah satu cara memperbaiki kondisi tanah. [3]

  • From The Free Press Strong test on the ash content of the palm shell 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 15% at point 1 the free press strength value decreased from 0% by 0.362% and increased at 9% by 0.424%

  • Meanwhile, at point 2, it decreased by 0% by 0.445% and increased at 12% by 0.423%

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Pemeriksaan Karakteristik Tanah

Pengujian karakteristik tanah dilakukan sesuai dengan metode ASTM (American Standar Testing And Material). Pengujian tersebut antara lain :Uji kadar air (ASTM D-2216), Uji berat jenis (ASTM 854-58), Uji Batas-Batas Atterberg (ASTM D 431895), dan Uji Analisa Butiran (ASTM D 422-72) dan (ASTM D 1140-54). Penelitian ini dilakukan mulai dari pengambilan sampel tanah di Paccinongang, Kabupaten Gowa dan pengambilan cangkang kelapa sawit di Pabrik Kelapa Sawit PT. Surya Raya Lestari II, Kecamatan Budong-budong, Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah pada bulan Juni 2020. Untuk proses pengujian sifat fisik tanah dan pencampuran serta pengujian pemadatan dilakukan pada bulan Juli-September 2020 di Laboratorium Mekanika Tanah, Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Paulus Makassar

Pengujian Sampel optimum dan mengetahui kuat tekan pada tanah
Hasil Pengujian Kompaksi dengan penambahan Abu Cangkang Kelapa Sawit
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