
The research was aimed to know the effect of giving various concentrations level of cow urine fermentation solution and soaking time to seed germination of trembesi ( Sam a nea saman ). Research was conducted from April to June 2017 at Greenhouse Agroecotechnology Laboratory Faculty of Agriculture University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. The research used a Randomized Complete Design and arranged in factorial, consisted of two factors. The first factor was cow urine concentration consisted of four factors: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%. The second factor was the duration of immersion consisting of three factors namely: 6 hours,12 hours, and 18 hours. The results showed that cow urine fermentation concentration 75% gave best result to germination age parameter 1,77%/day, maximum growth potential 36,11%, germination 31,11%, growth rate 1,20%, normal sprout potency 33,8% and abnormal germination potential 2,22%. The duration of soaking of (6 hours) trembesi seeds gave the best results on the germination age parameter 3,41%/day, maximum growth potential 31,66%, germination 25,41%, growth rate 1,05 %, Potency of normal sprout 30,41%. There was no interaction between the various concentration levels of cow urine fermentation solution and the soaking time to seed to the observed parameters except on the observed age germination parameters at 0% cow urine treatment with soaking time to seed 6 hours, and 75% cow urine treatment with soaking time to seed 6 hours (1,33% / day). Keywords: Soaking time to seed, Trembesi ( Samanea saman ), Urine concentration


  • Trembesi (Samanea saman) merupakan tanaman cepat tumbuh, tanaman trembesi dalam Bahasa Inggris dinamai rain tree, monkeypod atau saman

  • Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua faktor, faktor pertama adalah tingkat konsentrasi urin sapi terdiri atas U0=0% (Air), U1=25% (250 ml urin sapi+750 ml Air), U2=50 % (500 ml urin sapi+500 ml Air), U3=75 % (750 ml urin sapi+250 ml Air)

  • DAFTAR PUSTAKAPengaruh Pemberian Urin Sapi pada Berbagai Konsentrasi dan Lama Perendaman Benih Sentro (Centrosema pubescens) terhadap Daya Kecambah, Vigoritas dan Berat Kering

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Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah embrat, gelas ukur, alat tulis menulis, pengaduk, nampan ukuran 30 x 24, kamera, stop watch, dan tisu. Bahanbahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah benih trembesi yang diperoleh dari Agro Sejahtera Cilegon Provinsi Banten, aquades, pasir malang, label.

Penelitian ini menggunakan
Konsentrasi Urin Sapi
Kecepatan Tumbuh
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disarankan sebagai berikut
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