
<p>The pattern and lifestyle of today's society with the presence of an interner facility makes people spend more time sitting out than on exercise and increased consumption of high-fat foods may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. An effective therapy is needed in preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. Hyperbaric oxygen now starts to develop for the treatment of several diseases, which in turn can increase the gene forming antioxidant enzymes and ROS. To determine effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on total cholesterol levels of wistar white rats (Rattusnovergicus) induced bye high fat. The study was carried out in an expeative post test only group control of three groups. One group is given standard feed. All groups induced high-fat diet and standard feed. Of the two groups induced, one group was given hyperbaric oxygen therapy with a dose of 3 x 30 minutes for six days on day 7 at a blood test to determine total cholesterol levels<strong>. </strong>One way Anova parametric statistic test showed that p = 0.007 < α proved hypothesis that hyperbaric oxygen therapy giving effect to total cholesterol level of white mice of jantangalurist rings induced by high fat diet. Total cholesterol was significantly different between K (-) and K (+) and between K (-) and P. It was found that hyperbaric oxygen therapy had an effect on total cholesterol level dose of 3x30 minutes for six days.</p>


  • increased consumption of high-fat foods may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease

  • An effective therapy is needed in preventing the occurrence of cardiovascular disease

  • Hyperbaric oxygen now starts to develop for the treatment of several diseases

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Persyaratan Etik

Implikasi etik pada tikus putih sebagai hewan coba mengikuti animal ethic. Hal yang perlu dilaksanakan sesuai etik antara lain : perawatan tikus, kandang , pemberian makan dan minum , aliran udara kedalam ruang kandang. Perlakuan saat penelitian pengambilan unit analisis penelitian dan pemusnahannya. Tikus kemudian dimasukan kedalam wadah kaca dan ditutup dengan kasa,kemudian larutan dietyl ether diteteskan kedalam wadah tersebut. Tikus diangkat dari wadahnya jika tidak bergerak lagi kira-kira 1⁄2-1 ment setelah penetesan dietyl ether.Tikus kemudian diletakkan diatas alas bedah untuk pengambilan darah intrakardial

Pemeriksaan Kadar Kolesterol Total Darah
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