
<p><span><em>The research was conducted to analyze the effect of organic deodorant supplemented fermented </em><span><em>laying hens manure feeding on the performance of 7-12 weeks male ducks. One hundred 7 weeks old </em><span><em>male ducks were used to study the effetct MODF supplementation on performance of male ducks. The d</em><span><em>ucks were divided into five groups with four replications consisting of five birds each. The treatment were </em><span><em>PO = commercial feed without MODF supplementation (control), P15= commercial feed + 15% MODF, </em><span><em>P30= commercial feed + 30% MODF, P45= commercial feed + 45% MODF, P60= commercial feed + 60% </em><span><em>MODF. Data were analyzed with One-Way Classification of Completely Randomized Design and followed </em><span><em>by Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DMRT) for significant results. Results showed that </em><span><em>supplementation of fermented MOD gave negative effect (P<0.05) on male ducks performance. The </em><span><em>highest consumption was in P0 (5203.50 g), followed by P45% (5130.00 g), P30% (5002.75 g), P15% </em><span><em>(4967.75 g), P0% (4856.75 g). The highest weight gain showed in P0 (649.80 g), followed by P15 (622.10 </em><span><em>g), P30 (579.45 g), P45 (497.50 g), P60 (409.60 g). The higest feed convertion was in P60 (12.71), </em><span><em>followed by P45 (10.31), P30 (8.64), P15 (7.99), P0 (7.48). It could be concluded that it is useless to </em><span><em>supplement commercial diet of with MODF even though supplementation of 30% income over feed cost </em><span><em>(IOFC) showed better IOFC of 7-12 weeks male ducks.</em><br /></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p><p><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><span><em>(Key words: Fermentated organic deodorant, Laying hens manure, Males ducks, Performance)</em></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span><br class="Apple-interchange-newline" /></span></p>

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