
The method in this study is a quantitative method, taking data directly from the object of research in this case the Leuwiliang Market by presenting facts or facts that occur in the field observed through observations, field notes and distributing questionnaires to traders with a Likert scale. This study aims 1) To determine the process of providing Sharia People's Business Credit (KUR) in the Leuwiliang market? 2) To know the development of micro merchant business in Leuwiliang Market? 3) To determine the effect of Sharia People's Business Credit on Micro Trader Business Development in Leuwiliang Market? with the results of the product Moment coefficient (rxy ) = 0.724, if it is converted to the value of degrees of freedom for the value of N = 50, namely the 5% significance level is 0.273, while for the 1% level it is 0.354, considering that rcount is 0.724, it is greater than rtable, either in the 5% or 1% significance level. So it can be concluded that the correlation between the variables X and Y there is a strong or high correlation.
 Key words : Islamic Curriculum and Micro Merchant Business

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