
<p><strong>Background</strong>: Smoking is a bad habit for health. There are many dangerous components inside a cigarette. The smoke that comes out from the cigarette contains many harmful components. Smoking and getting exposed to cigarette smoke in a long period of time can cause inflammatory response on respiratory tract. Mahkota dewa leaf contains beneficial biological component, such as <em>flavonoid</em>, <em>alkaloid</em>, and<em>saponin </em>that have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and many others.</p><p><strong>Aim :</strong>The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of administration of mahkota dewa leaf (<em>Phaleria macrocarpa</em>) extract onlung histopathology in white male Wistar rats (<em>Rattus norvegicus</em>) exposed to cigarette smoke.</p><p><strong>Methods : </strong>This research is a true laboratory experimental research using <em>Post-Test Only Control Group Design</em>. The subject in this research were 30 male Wistar Rats (<em>Rattus norvegicus</em>) which were divided into 4 groups, a group without given any treatment (K-), a group where they only getting exposed to cigarette smoke (K+), a group where they exposed to cigarette smoke and given mahkota dewa leaf extract at 1500 mg/kgBW/day dose (Eg1), and the group exposed to cigarette smoke and a mahkota dewa leaf extract at a 2500 mg/kgBW/day dose (Eg2).</p><p><strong>Result : </strong>1.) There was a significant difference on lung histopathology between K- and K+, Eg1, and Eg2. 2.) There was no significant difference on lung histopathology between K+, Eg1 and Eg2.</p><p><strong>Conclusion : </strong>Exposure to 5 cigarette smoke in 21 days caused lung histopathology changes. However, there was no effect of the administration of mahkota dewa leaves extract at 1500 mg/kgBW/day and 2500 mg/kgBW/day on lung histopathology of white male Wistar rats exposed to 5 cigarette smoke in 21 days.</p><p><strong>Keyword : </strong><em>Phaleria macrocarpa leaf, </em>Flavonoid, Alkaloid, cigarette smoke, inflammatory response, Infiltration of Inflammatory cells.</p>


  • Smoking and getting exposed to cigarette smoke in a long period of time can cause inflammatory response on respiratory tract

  • There was no effect of the administration of mahkota dewa leaves extract at 1500 mg/kgBW/day and 2500 mg/kgBW/day on lung histopathology of white male Wistar rats exposed to 5 cigarette smoke in 21 days

  • Review on Phaleria macrocarpa Pharmacological and Phytochemical Properties

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Tujuan: membuktikan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun mahkota dewa (Phaleriama crocarpa) terhadap gambaran histopatologi pada paru tikus putih (Rattusnorvegicus) galur Wistar yang dipaparkan asap rokok. Karena tingginya angka perokok aktif dan pasif di Indonesia dan dunia, adanya tanaman asli Indonesia yang mempunyai manfaat sebagai obat herbal, maka penulis ingin mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh dari pemberian ekstrak daun mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) terhadap gambaran histopatologi paru tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) galur Wistar yang dipaparkan asap rokok selama 15 menit. K2 : Kelompok tikus yang diberikan paparan asap rokok dan ekstrak daun mahkota dewa (Phaleriamacrocarpa) sebanyak 2500 mg/kgBB/hari. HASIL PENELITIAN Paparan asap rokok pada penelitian ini menimbulkan kerusakan gambaran histopatologi paru tikus, salah satunya yaitu infiltrasi sel radang. Selain itu analisa deskriptif mengenai data infiltrasi sel radang dalam penelitian ini juga dapat disajikan pada Tabel 5.2 sebagai berikut: Tabel1Jumlah Infiltrasi Sel Radang

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