
This study aims to explain 1) the effect of psychological empowerment on innovative behavior, 2) the influence of organizational culture on innovative behavior. This research was conducted at UD Romo Jewelry Manufacture. The number of samples taken was 72 employees, with a non probability sampling method with a type of saturated sampling technique. Data collection is done through a survey approach with questionnaire and interview methods. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that psychological empowerment and organizational culture simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on innovative behavior. This shows that the higher the psychological empowerment given to employees, the higher the employee's innovative behavior. Likewise with organizational culture, the higher the organizational culture of a company, the higher the employee's innovative behavior. Therefore to foster innovative behavior in company employees is expected to pay more attention to psychological empowerment and organizational culture in order to improve innovative behavior.
 Keywords: psychological empowerment, organizational culture, innovative behavior


  • This study aims to explain 1) the effect of psychological empowerment on innovative behavior, 2) the influence of organizational culture on innovative behavior

  • UD Romo Jewelry Manufacture hendaknya lebih memperhatikan apakah karyawan mampu menerapkan kesepakatan yang diterapkan bersama di perusahaan karena item pernyataan “karyawan tidak pernah menemui kesulitan untuk menerapkan kesepakatan yang ditetapkan bersama di perusahaan” memiliki nilai rata-rata terendah pada deskripsi variabel budaya organisasi

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This study aims to explain 1) the effect of psychological empowerment on innovative behavior, 2) the influence of organizational culture on innovative behavior. Besarnya pengaruh variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai determinasi total (R Square) sebesar 60,7 % variasi perilaku inovatif dipengaruhi oleh variasi pemberdayaan psikologis dan budaya organisasi, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 39,3 % dijelaskan oleh faktor lain yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam model. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa semakin tinggi keterlibatan perusahaan dalam memberikan pekerjaan yang berarti dan sesuai dengan kemampuan karyawan, serta semakin perusahaan dapat merasakan dampak dari karyawan maka akan semakin tinggi pula perilaku inovatif pada karyawan UD Romo Jewelry Manufacture.

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