
The objective of the study was to determine the differences of learning outcomes between the students treated with pre-practice review session and the students treated with integrated job sheets in the course of Electrical Measurement Practices. This study is categorized as a quasi experimental study. The data analysis technique used two-ways analysis of variance (Anova) and the credibility level of 0.05. The results showed that (1) There were differences of learning outcomes between the group treated with pre-practice review session ( =81,35) and the group treated with integrated job sheets ( =76,04); (2) There were differences in learning outcomes between the group having low entry behaviour ( =81,35) with the group having high entry behaviour ( =71,00); (3) There was no interaction between the students’ entry behaviour with the pattern of the improvement (4) The experimental group treated with pre-practicum review session for the students having high entry behaviour showed the best learning outcomes


  • N ( x =81,35) and the group treated with integrated job sheets ( x =76,04); (2) There were differences in learning outcomes between the group having low entry behaviour ( x =81,35) with the group having high entry behaviour ( x =71,00); (3) There was no interaction between the students’ entry behaviour with the pattern of the improvement (4) The experimental group treated with pre-practicum review session for the students having high entry behaviour showed the best learning outcomes

  • The results showed that (1) There were differences of learning outcomes between the group treated with pre-practice review session

  • Pengantar Penelitian Ilmiah, Dasar Metode dan Teknik

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Data penelitian berupa hasil belajar mahasiswa mata kuliah Praktik Pengukuran Listrik. Data tersebut diperoleh dari sampel penelitian yang tersebar dalam empat kelompok eksperimen dengan rincian 20 data yang diperoleh dari kelompok responsi pra-praktikum dengan kemampuan awal tinggi dan rendah, 20 data dari kelompok perlakuan pemberian job sheet terpadu dengan kemampuan awal tinggi dan rendah. Secara keseluruhan data hasil belajar praktik pengukuran listrik menunjukkan ratarata 79,121 dengan standar deviasi 3,987. Nilai tertinggi yang diperoleh mahasiswa adalah 85,80, sedangkan nilai terendah adalah 70,23. Secara lebih rinci data hasil belajar Praktik Pengukuran Listrik mahasiswa yang diperoleh dari masing-masing kelompok eksperimen disajikan pada Tabel 1

Pemberian Job sheet
Mean Squares
Persiapan laporan sementara
Hasil yang diharapkan mengacu
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