
Capital expenditures are budget expenditurse for acquisition of property, plant and other assets that provide benefits over one accounting period. Capital expenditure has an important influence on the economic growth of a region and helps moving the regional economy. Factors affecting capital expenditures include local revenues, general allocation funds and special allocation funds. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of local revenues, general allocation funds, and special allocation funds in the allocation of capital expenditures in the regencies / cities in Bali and to determine whether the influence of local revenue, general allocation funds and special allocation funds on the allocation of capital expenditure is moderated by per capita income. The sample of this research is government of Regency / City in Bali during the period of 2012-2016, resulting in of 45 observation. Data analysis techniques used are multiple linier regression analysis and moderated regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis it is known that the local revenue and special allocation funds have positive effects on the allocation of capital expenditure while the general allocation fund does not affect the allocation of capital expenditure. Per capita income does not moderate the effects of local revenue, general allocation funds and special allocation funds on capital expenditure allocations.


  • Belanja modal digunakan sebagai memperoleh aset tetap pemerintah daerah seperti peralatan, infrastruktur, dan harta benda tetap lainnya

  • The purpose of study is to determine the effect of original local government

  • dak the allocation of capital expenditure is moderated by percapita income

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Per Kapita

Variabel PAD memiliki nilai terendah sebesar 39.843,60, nilai tertinggi sebesar 3.563.459,64, nilai rata-rata sebesar 517.893,72, dan standar deviasi yaitu. Untuk mendeteksi ada atau tidaknya multikolinearitas di dalam model regresi adalah dengan melihat (1) nilai tolerance dan lawannya, (2) variance inflation factor (VIF). Berdasarkan hasil analisis pada pengujian regresi linier berganda, nilai tolerance untuk variabel PAD 0,784 dan nilai VIF 1,275. Pengujian pada model moderated regression analysis, nilai tolerance untuk variabel PAD 0,096 dan nilai VIF 10,390. Variabel PAD yang dimoderasi dengan pendapatan per kapita memiliki nilai tolerance 0,053 dan nilai VIF 18,946. Uji glejser mengusulkan untuk meregres nilai absolut residual terhadap variabel bebas dengan menggunakan persamaat regresi dan melihat tingkat signifikansinya > 0,05.Hasil pengujian heteroskesdastisitas pada model regresi linier berganda, variabel PAD memiliki nilai siginifikansi 0,885, variabel DAU memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,989, dan variabel DAK memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,569.

Adjusted R Square
Alokasi PAD
Coefficients hitung
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