
In the Globalization Era, Indonesia is one of the developing countries with a fairly rapid economic development. The construction services sector plays an important and strategic role, because construction services produce the final production in the form of buildings or other physical forms, both in the form of facilities and infrastructure that function to support the growth and development of various fields, especially the economic sector and culture to create a just and prosperous society that is evenly distributed. material and spiritual based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. With the development of a good organization faced with the current globalization, it requires the creation of an organization that is effective, efficient and has high performance. Based on the background, several problems can be formulated in this study as follows: How much influence does work motivation have on the performance of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs Bureau of Finance and Household Employees? The big influence of work discipline on the performance of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs Bureau of Finance and Household Employees? How big is the influence of work motivation and work discipline together on the performance of the employees of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Bureau of Finance and Household? Based on the results of the trial analysis between the motivation variable (X1) on employee performance (Y), the value obtained is 0.735 which indicates a strong and significant positive relationship between motivation (X1) and employee performance (Y). Based on the results of the trial analysis between the variable work discipline (X2) on Employee Performance (Y), it is obtained from the results of the assessment which shows a positive and strong and significant relationship between work discipline (X2) and Employee Performance (Y). Work motivation has a significant influence and provides a positive contribution, thus increasing employee motivation can be done by providing incentives or other types of rewards for those who have better work performance. Work discipline makes a positive contribution, namely increasing employee discipline is a positive step to support increased employee work performance. It is recommended to policy makers to continue to apply and apply the work that has been carried out before so that employee performance can continue to increase. Further research is needed for a wider scope, or other variables that can improve employee performance. Keywords : Motivation, Discipline, Performance

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