
The purpose of this research were to know: (1) the effect of REACT learning model on the students’ understanding of mathematical concepts, (2) the effect of guided discovery learning model on students' understanding of mathematical concepts, (3) the difference in students’ mathematical concept understanding obtained by using REACT learning model and guided discovery learning. This research type was quasi experiment with entire class VII MTs Al-Islam Joresan as population and class VIIA and VIIB as sample. Class VIIA was taught by using the REACT learning model and class VIIB was taught by using the guided discovery learning model. The instrument used was a question sheet of concept comprehension test and data collection the technique was test and documentation. The concept comprehension test results were analyzed using t test with significance level of 0.05. The results of the hypothesis test showed that the REACT learning model has an effect on the students’ understanding of mathematical concepts. In addition, the guided discovery learning model has an effect on the students’ understanding of mathematical concepts. Both REACT learning model and guided discovery learning model showed no difference in students’ mathematical concept understanding.


  • the difference in students' mathematical concept understanding obtained by using REACT learning model

  • Class VIIA was taught by using the REACT learning model and class VIIB was taught by using the guided discovery learning model

  • The results of the hypothesis test showed that the REACT learning model has an effect on the students' understanding

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Berdasarkan kajian pustaka dan hasil penelitian terdahulu model pembelajaran

REACT dan guided discovery learning berkontribusi terhadap pemahaman matematika siswa. Karakteristik model pembelajaran REACT antara lain: memperdalam pemahaman konsep siswa, mengembangkan sikap kebersamaan, rasa saling memiliki, dan menghargai diri siswa dan orang lain, memudahkan siswa untuk mengaplikasikan konsep dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dan melibatkan siswa dalam proses menyelesaikan masalah melalui aktivitas mengalami. Sedangkan karakteristik model pembelajaran guided discovery learning antara lain: menumbuhkan dan menanamkan sikap inquiry (mencari-temukan), mendukung kemampuan problem solving siswa, memberikan wahana interaksi antar siswa, maupun siswa dengan guru, dan materi yang dipelajari dapat mencapai tingkat kemampuan yang tinggi dan lebih lama membekas karena siswa dilibatkan dalam proses menemukannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk; mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran REACT pada pemahaman konsep matematika siswa, mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran guided discovery learning pada pemahaman konsep matematika siswa, dan mengetahui perbedaan tingkat pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yang menggunakan model REACT dan guided discovery learning.

Ada perbedaan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa dengan model
Dari tabel di atas diperoleh
Hasil perhitungan pada tabel di atas adalah
Dari hasil perhitungan tabel di atas diperoleh
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Muhammadiyah Surakarta
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