
Profil Pelajar Pancasila (PPP) is a program from the Ministry of Education and Culture in developing and instilling six characters for students in Indonesia. This article discusses the role of culture in schools in the formation of religious character in the PPP program. This research was conducted at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus with the research subject being class II. This study uses a qualitative approach with a narrative method. This method is used to describe findings in a narrative manner with data obtained in the field. Several data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, documentation, questionnaire guidelines and field notes. The results show that the formation of character in the school in terms of religious elements consists of several programs such as 5S culture, qiro'ati apples, conducting Dhuha and Dzuhur prayers in congregation, praying before and after carrying out activities, infaq and carrying out short surah reading activities before going home. school. The six activities are used to instill religious character in students. In this study stated that the role of school culture can shape the religious character of students.

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