
The problem in this research is : (1) The difference of student’s result in PKn lesson, by using Discovery Learning Model (A1) and Inquiry Model (A2), (2). The difference of student’s result in PKn lesson. between student’s who have high interpersonal intelegence (B1) if the learning process used the discovery learning and inqury Model, (3) The defference between student’s who have lower in interpersonal intelegence (B2) if the learning process used the discovery learning and inquiry Model.(4)The interaction effect between Interpersonal Intelegence Learning Model and Student’s result in PKn lesson The population of the research were the student’s of ten th grade of SMA PGRI 3 Bogor in 2014/2015, all of them are 203 student’s and the research sample was 48 student’s with random system. The data are: (1) the PKn result of the student's by using test, with 5 options. (2) The data of student’s interpersonal intelegence by using interpersonal intelegence test with 4 option. The data in this research was analyzed by statistic and Anava 2 ways, descriptive statistic are average, median, modus, deviation, range, making of frequency distribution and histogram from each variable. Anava 2 is about validity and reliability test, and for the pretest, the writer used Normality and Homogenity Test, and if there is interaction between the variables, they should be tested again by using t-test- the data counting was done by using SPSS 22 and excel l program Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that : (1) There is a positive effect and strong between learning model and student’s result of PKn lesson. (2).There is an effect of learning model and interpersonal intelligence and also has a positive interaction with the PKn lesson result. (3) The student’s who have low interpersonal intelegance, the result of PKn lesson is better if they use inquiry model than discovery model. (4) There is an interaction between learning model and interpersonal intelligence of PKn lesson

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