
Abstract – The aim of this research is to know the impact of the applying of problem-based learning with animation toward the critical thinking skill and result of learning physics of student of SMAN 5 Mataram academic year 2016/2017. This research is belong to quasi experiment with pretest-postest control group design. The population is all student of XI MIPA at SMAN 5 Mataram, while the sample are class XI MIPA 4 as the experimental class, and the XI MIPA 6 as control class. The sample taken by the random sampling. The collect of data is done by give the test, 20 multiple choice to knowing the result of learning phyisics and 5 essay for knowing the student’s critical thinking skill. The collected data has been analyzed by using the -test. The result of this research shows that (1) there is an impact of the applying of problem-based learning with animation toward the student’s critical thinking skill that includes the ability in: (a) focusing the question, (b) analyzing the argument/identificating the reason, (c) inducing and considering the result of induction, (d) evaluating the result of consideration, (e) giving the reason; (2) there is an impact of the applying of problem-based learning with animation toward the student’s result of learning physics that includes the result of learning in the cognitif area that follow the Bloom’s taxonomy, that is C1 till C6 (remembering, knowing, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating).

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