
The purpose of this research is to know whether or not there is influence of the method of playing handball and throwing the ball to the effectiveness of passing learning on bolavoli in grade XII student of TPHP SMK Putra Wilis Subdistrict Sendang Tulungagung Regency. This research using Classroom Action Research approach (PTK) with research subject of student of class XII TPHP SMK Putra Wilis Sub District Sendang Tulungagung Regency. The research was conducted in two cycles, using the instrument in the form of RPP, student activity observation sheet, teacher activity observation sheet and student learning result test. The conclusions of this reseacrh are 1) Through the learning action cycle can be found steps - the effective step of applying the method of playing handball and throwing the ball to improve the effectiveness of passing learning on the volleyball playing through the observation of student activity is known increase reaches 34.65%, (2) Through the learning action cycle the method of playing handball and throwing the ball proven to improve the effectiveness of passing learning on the volleyball playing through observation of teacher activity increase reaches 28,12%, and 3) Through the learning action cycle, the method of playing handball and throwing the ball is proven to improve student's learning achievement reach 40,01%.


  • Bolavoli menjadi olahraga yang menyenangkan karena dapat beradaptasi dengan kondisi yang mungkin timbul didalamnya, dapat dimainkan dengan jumlah pemain dua orang dan permainan dengan jumlah enam orang

  • The research was conducted in two cycles, using the instrument in the form of RPP, student activity

  • Ridwan Hanafi1, Ardhi Mardiyanto Indra Purnomo2, Weda3 Pengaruh Metode Bermain Bola Tangan dan Lempar Tangkap Bola Terhadap Efektifitas Pembelajaran Passing Atas Bolavoli Pada Kelas XII TPHP Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Putra Wilis Kecamatan Sendang Kabupaten Tulungagung observation sheet, teacher activity observation sheet and student learning result test. The conclusions of this reseacrh are 1) Through the learning action cycle can be found steps - the effective step of applying the method of playing handball and throwing the ball to improve the effectiveness of passing learning on the volleyball playing through the observation of student activity is known increase reaches 34.65%, (2) Through the learning action cycle the method of playing handball and throwing the ball proven to improve the effectiveness of passing learning on the volleyball playing through observation of teacher activity increase reaches 28,12%, and 3) Through the learning action cycle, the method of playing handball and throwing the ball is proven to improve student's learning achievement reach 40,01%

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Kurang Baik Tidak baik

Membandingkan ketuntasan belajar (jumlah presentase peserta didik yang mendapat nilai dengan kategori baik dan sangat baik) antara waktu sebelum tindakan dilakukan, dengan setelah dilakukan tindakan siklus I sampai tindakan siklus II dengan menggukan metode bermain bola tangan dan lempar tangkap bola standar minimal peningkatan kemampuan individu khususnya pada kemampuan passing atas bolavoli dengan baik dan benar adalah apabila peserta didik mampu mencapai nilai minimal baik, artinya peserta didik sudah mampu meningkatkan kemampuan passing atas bolavoli dengan baik dan benar. Kriteria keberhasilan tindakan apabila terjadinya kenaikan ketuntasan belajar (setelah tindakan siklus II ketuntasan belajar mencapai sekurangkurangnya 75%). HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Pada pembahasan hasil penelitian ini akan di analisis peningkatan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran siklus I sampai siklus II dengan menggunakan metode bermain bola tangan dan lempar tangkap bola

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Siklus I Siklus II Keterangan
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