
Background: Nearly one-third of child deaths worldwide due to diarrhea and pneumonia. Every hour, 200 children die because of both disease. This disease risk factors are overlapping that children are not given exclusive breastfeeding, do not of handwashing with soap, incomplete immunizations and environmental sanitation factors. Other risk factor is lack of mothers knowledge in preventing diarrhea and pneumonia.
 Objective: To identify the influence of adding booklet media towards to changes in mother’s knowledge on comprehensive diarrhea and pneumonia prevention.
 Method: This research is using quasi-experimental design with pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. Research subjects were mothers who had toddler aged 0-59 months many as 167 respondents. The sample selection was held randomly with cluster sampling technique. Data collection used questionnaire. Wilcoxon Sign Rank and Mann Whitney Test was performed for bivariate statistics analysis with significance level of 0.05 and confidence level of 95%.
 Result: There was an increasing knowledge after the health education delivery in both groups. The average enhancement was significantly different in statistics with control group (p=0.001; α=0.05).
 Conclusion: Health education by utilizing proven education media of booklets on the enhancement of toddler mother related to the comprehensive diarrhea and pneumonia an integrated especially in the aspect of diarrhea.
 Keywords: Booklets, diarrhea and pneumonia, knowledge.


  • Nearly one-third of child deaths worldwide is due to diarrhea and pneumonia

  • These diseases risk factors are overlapping that children are not given exclusive breastfeeding

  • The aim of this study was to identify the influence of adding booklet media

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Jumlah ibu balita pada penelitian ini adalah 167 responden. Pendidikan ibu balita pada kedua kelompok mayoritas pendidikan menengah (SMU), pendapatan mayoritas < UMR, sebagian besar ibu balita tidak memiliki pekerjaan (ibu rumah tangga). Sebagian besar responden memiliki pengalaman merawat anak dengan diare, tetapi hanya sedikit ibu balita yang pernah merawat pneumonia. Lebih dari setengah ibu dari kedua kelompok pernah terpapar dengan informasi diare, tetapi hanya sebagian kecil saja yang pernah mendapat informasi tentang pneumonia. Karakteristik ibu balita dengan kategori umur, pendidikan, pengahasilan, pekerjaan, pengalaman merawat anak diare, pengalaman merawat anak pneumonia semuanya bersifat homogen (nilai p>0,05). Sementara karakteristik ibu balita tentang informasi yang pernah diterima terkait diare dan informasi tentang pneumonia bersifat tidak setara (tidak homogen) dengan nilai p

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