
Uncomfortable work environment, lack of motivation and poor compensation given by teachers from educational institutions will influence the work spirit of teachers in work or teaching. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the work environment, motivation, and compensation for work morale. The study was conducted at the Taman Sastra Middle School with a sample of 35 teachers with a saturated sampling method which made the entire population as a sample. Data collection was done by distributing questionnaires to the teachers at the Taman Sastra Middle School. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the work environment, motivation and compensation simultaneously had a significant effect on the enthusiasm of teachers in the Taman Sastra Middle School. Partially the work environment has a positive effect on the work morale of teachers in Taman Sastra Middle School, motivation has a positive effect on the work morale of teachers in Taman Sastra Middle School and compensation has a positive effect on the work morale of teachers at the Taman Sastra Middle School.
 Keywords: work environment, motivation, work spirit compensation


  • poor compensation given by teachers from educational institutions will influence the work spirit

  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the work environment

  • The study was conducted at the Taman Sastra Middle School with a sample

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Hal yang mempengaruhi semangat kerja guru di SMP Taman Sastra

Hasil prasurvey yang dilakukan di SMP Taman Sastra dapat dilihat pada Gambar Grafik 1 didapatkan hasil yang terbesar 25 persen guru yang menyatakan bahwa lingkungan kerja berpengaruh terhadap semangat kerja dari guru. Kenyamanan lingkungan kerja dan kompensasi dapat memicu motivasi kerja pegawai untuk bekerja lebih baik sehingga pekerjaan akan dicapai secara maksimal. Maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji lebih mendalam tentang pengaruh lingkungan kerja, motivasi dan kompensasi terhadap semangat kerja guru di SMP Taman sastra. Hal ini juga di dukung oleh pernyataan dari Jackson (2006:153) yang menyebutkan bahwa semangat kerja pekerja di China sangat dipengaruhi oleh motivasi para pekerjanya dalam bekerja. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Zameer et al(2014) menyatakan terdapat pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja pegawai pada kantor industri minuman di Pakistan. Hal ini berarti semakin tinggi kompensasi yang diberikan oleh perusahaan atau kantor akan membuat dampak yang positif kepada guru yang tentunya akan berdampak besar terhadap semangat kerjanya.

Guru TIK
Guru Tetap
Pearson Correlation
Keterangan Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel
Coefficients t
Unstandardized Residual
Hasil UjiHeteroskedastisitas
HasilUji Multikolinieritas
Studi ManajemenUniversitas UdayanaDenpasar
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