
The study was conducted at MTs.Nahdlatuth Thalabah Kesilir-Wuluhan 2017-2018 Academic Year with 33 respondents who were studied using the Population Research technique. This study uses the Product moment Correlation data analysis method. Data collection used is questionnaires. Based on the results of the study, the results obtained for career information services and the selection of advanced schools with r = 0.81269579, after consulting the product moment table, the r calculation is greater than r table, meaning that there is a relationship between electoral school. After consulting the price point r product moment for 33 significant levels of 5% 0.344 and 1% 0.442 it turns out that the statistical r value is higher than the table value, so the r calculation is greater than r table means the relationship. The hypothesis (Ha) says that there is an influence of career information services on the selection of high school students in class IXE MTs. Nahdlatuth Thalabah Kesilir - Wuluhan 2017-2018 Academic Year.
 Keywords: Career Information Services, Advanced School Selection


  • Pendidikan menengah merupa- kan salah satu jenjang pendidikan yang penting,bertujuan mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan utamanya pemilihan sekolah lanjut

  • The study was conducted at MTs.Nahdlatuth Thalabah Kesilir-Wuluhan 2017-2018 Academic Year with 33 respondents who were studied using the Population Research technique

  • Based on the results of the study, the results obtained for career information services and the selection of advanced schools with r = 0.81269579, after consulting the product moment table, the r calculation is greater than r table, meaning that there is a relationship between electoral school

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ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan di MTs.Nahdlatuth Thalabah Kesilir-Wuluhan Tahun Pelajaran 2017-2018 dengan responden yang diteliti sebanyak 33 siswa yang diambil menggunakan teknik Population Research. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data Korelasi Product moment. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka di peroleh hasil untuk layanan informasi karir dan pemilihan sekolah lanjut dengan r = 0,81269579, setelah di konsultasikan pada tabel product moment maka r perhitungannya lebih besar dari r tabel berarti adanya hubungan pemilihan sekolah lanjut. Setelah di konsultasikan pada harga titik r product moment untuk 33 taraf signifikan 5% 0,344 dan 1% 0,442 ternyata nilai r statistik lebih tinggi dari nilai table, maka r perhitungannya lebih besar dari r tabel berarti adanya hubungan. Hipotesis (Ha) mengatakan bahwa ada pengaruh layanan informasi karir terhadap pemilihan sekolah lanjut siswa kelas IXE MTs. Nahdlatuth Thalabah Kesilir – Wuluhan Tahun Pelajaran 2017 - 2018

Metode ini digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan siswa kelas
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