
Latihan gerak mempercepat penyembuhan pasien stroke, karena akan mempengaruhi sensasi gerak di otak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan perbedaan pengaruh latihan gerak terhadap keseimbangan pada pasien stroke non-hemoragik hemiparese kanan dibandingkan dengan hemiparese kiri. Jenis penelitiannyadalah experimental dengan rancangan two group pre test dan post test. Kelompok yang yang diteliti adalah pasien stroke non-hemoragik hemiparese kanan 20 pasien dan hemiparese kiri 20 pasien, diberi latihan gerak sesuai program fisioterapi rumah sakit dr. Moewardi Surakarta. Analisis data dilakukan dengan, uji hipotesis komparatif variabel numerik 2 kelompok dan uji hipotesis komparatif variable kategorikal tidak berpasangan. Pada hemiparese kanan terjadi kenaikan rata-rata nilai keseimbangan sebesar 2,25, dan pada hemiparese kiri sebesar 1,70. hasil uji statistik Mann-Whitney menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna terhadap kenaikan nilai keseimbangan antara hemiparese kanan dan hemiparese kiri (p=0,377). Rata-rata kenaikan nilai keseimbangan 1,40 % pada pasien stroke hemiparese kanan. Dan 18,06 % pada pasien stroke hemiparese kiri. Abstract Motion exercises for stroke patients accelerate healing, because it will affect the sensation of motion in cerebral.Goals this study was to prove the difference in the effect of motion exercises on balance in patients with non-hemorrhagic stroke compared with hemiparese right hemiparese left . This studied was experimental design types with two group pre test and post test. Groups studied are non-hemorrhagic stroke patients hemiparese hemiparese right and left 20 patients 20 patients, given the appropriate motion exercise program Dr. hospital physiotherapy. Moewardi Surakarta. Data analysis was done with, comparative tests of hypothesis two groups of numeric variables and hypothesis testing comparative unpaired categorical variables. On the right there is an increase hemiparese average equilibrium value of 2,25, and on the left hemiparese of 1,70. results of the Mann-Whitney statistical test showed no signi$ cant di! erence to the increase in the value of the balance between hemiparese hemiparese right and left (p = 0,377). Average 1,40% increase in the value of balance in stroke patients hemiparese right. And 18,06% in stroke patients hemiparese left. Keywords :Motion exercise; Stroke; Non-hemorrhagic Balance

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